
"dad" and "unfamiliar hands" are my hints to guide you from your very close guess to the truth.

A pocket watch? Dad is a businessman?

Do businessmen carry pocketwatches?

Wait. I think I have it. Is it a cell phone? And it got lost and ran out of battery. Then it was found, recharged, and taking pictures again. The holding cell is the pocket.

Interesting! Everyone is in the same world as what I had in mind. "Wally"

Wait. It is a wallet. That's the answer. It gets empty. It gets full again. Comes out at the subway, and at Tai food. And drinks. It gets lost. It gets found. It goes in the pocket. It comes out again. That's why I was hung up. I figured the mystery item was either in the wallet or in the pocket. It never occurred to me it was actually the wallet itself.

I have another object for you to guess. SBD goes to the winner. Read my post here

Awesome post. Fun guessing.

I see from @amos-robinson that I've probably missed my chance, but I'll see if I can figure it out regardless.

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