
~Evil cackle ~ :D

You refer to yourself as an "aspiring author" but I don't think you're aspiring any more. You're an author.

I think that's the best compliment anyone has ever given me... thank you. I need to finish these last 8 chapters and make it happen.

A wicked man found unforeseen depths in his intended victim, and found himself on the receiving end of just deserts from our heroine’s protective multiple personality.

I'm not quite sure I would call her protective... but yes! He got his just deserts! Thank you for reading. :) :)

But she is protective. That’s how multiple personalities are formed – it’s their entire reason for existence… to protect the psyche of the core person. The person experiences some kind of deep, mind torturing trauma – often in childhood – and their identity begins to split. An identity emerges to self-protect the victim of that trauma. Continuing trauma may result in more personality splits, creating more identities, all forming some kind of protective personality for the core identity of the victim. That’s what we learned in college in Psych 101.

There’s also a variety of sub-genres that focus on the condition of Multiple Personality Disorder. The horror and/or paranormal genres have MPD sub-genres; the thriller genre has a substantial MPD sub-genre; even mainstream lifestyle movies have an MPD sub-genre. In the mainstream lifestyle movies, an iconic example is the Sally Field TV mini-series, Sybil. There’s also the Jennifer Lopez horror-thriller, Cell.

The revelations in each portrayal of MPD sufferers always take the reader/viewer back to the horrific trauma that caused the formation of the multiple personalities as a way for a person put into a protracted situation of powerlessness to self-protect their own psyche.

I didn't quite get that far in my own studies. :)
I had these dreams when I left school to become a psychiatrist and I began my studies. Had to start with sociology and behavioural science with a smattering of... something else... I don't remember now. Unfortunately my mind wasn't cut out for university at that time and I failed. I do remember during a thought-experiment being told my opinions were unorthodox though!

The entire experience left me believing that we put far too much pressure on young people, and we're not really "adults" until we're in our late twenties/early thirties. I feel that I could handle it now. A kid fresh out of school? No way.

If that's how multiple personalities are formed, I feel lucky that it didn't happen to me. I escaped into my own little fantasy world and ignored reality. My main issue was that when I was a young teenager, I still acted like a child. It was a struggle to "grow up".

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. :)

In my case, I was made to take on the responsibilities of an adult – I practically raised my three sisters from the time I was around nine or so. There were other abuses and pressures in my childhood, but nothing so horrific as to cause anything approaching MPD. And, like you, I escaped into my own relief system… my outlet was my art and my poetry.

It takes mind-fracturing horrors to cause someone to form MPDs. The kinds of events that cause such splits are so horrific that most people find them unbelievable – Even within the realm of fiction, the depth of those kinds of terrors tends to be beyond even the “suspened disbelief” we accord our fictional entertainments.

Well this was... Spooky, to keep the comment short. Most definitely spooky.

I see you went with one personality being unaware of the other(s), which is a fresh change.

However, a question arose and stuck with me throughout the story.
How did she not recognize her face? How was that "not her" in the mirror? Even if they are unaware of one another, they still share a body, no?

I very much like how you made it so that one personality likes coffee, and the other does not. Adds a certain amount of depth to it. Very well done!

Thank you very much for your entry.

Thanks for reading! :)

It wasn't so much that she didn't recognise herself in that she was another person. More like when, you know how you might feel sick one morning and look in the mirror and cringe back all, "UGH! Pale face! Dark bags under my eyes! That's not me!"

It was more that type of thing. :) She was a neat freak, she liked being clean, proper, the other personality didn't care so much and hadn't showered in days, so personality #1 was shocked at her appearance.

Oooooh, now it makes sense :D And yes, now I definitely understand what you meant :D Silly me to not understand :|

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