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RE: The Void's Approach (#constrainedwriting)

in #constrainedwriting7 years ago

Most of my works are pretty dark; it's a bad (good!) habit. :D

The Voidkeepers! They serve their purpose. Poor, little Narii doesn't realise with her first contact, but once she melds and joins in with their mind it probably all makes sense to her. The overpopulated world will be shattered, and with the thousands of Life-Weavers joined within the ethereal body of the spirits, the natural world will be restored! Until, it all repeats itself again. So, at least they have good intentions.

I'm sorry about the forced dictionary usage - that's another bad habit. (synchronicity though - I was just discussing the use of fancy words on another steemit article!)


I like darker stories! ;D And most of mine are pretty dark too, unless otherwise required by an outside force (say, a contest).

At least they say they have good intentions. ;P
Jokes aside - There were a total of 5 meteor crashes on Earth so far that were equal to the Dynosaur extinction... Perhaps that is how our world ends also.
Unless we populate Mars.

No problem, I like learning new words ^^ Even though, yeah, using some "fancy" words is fine, but forcing the reader to check one word per sentence is... well... exhausting to the reader and unnecessary for the writer.
In my opinion, at least. :p

See, I don't even realise that they're not common words until someone goes, "Huh? Stop speaking Alienese!" and I'm just, "Woops, my bad." (CRINGE - was it really one word a sentence? Huge apologies!)

A meteor impact is totally how I assume our current world will end. Either that or a huge sun flare permanently disrupting all our relied-upon electronics and 90% of the western world goes insane. :O Uh-oh! A dark mist that devours everything seems a little more tame than that chaos.

(Speaking of Mars though - looking forward to the upcoming attempt to get people out there and on there! I will be watching eagerly! :D Hoping the projected date of 2024 is doable. )

God knows what we'd do without our electronics. :o
BACK TO WRITING WITH A PEN(CIL)?! No can do, mister! :p

Well, it's a huge stepping stone, that's certain... probably attainable by 2024... but, well, at what cost? Not much to do up there except be monitored by people back here on Earth..

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