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in #conspiracy7 years ago

Who knows what is REAL? LYING CIA MSM Brainwashing machine mixes truth with lies so we are all mixed up I think. I will REMOVE LINK if you want just let me know. (not my video, just makes me question ALL NK info)


LOL - you are madcore!

I think Korea is real but not nukes...

You crazy to 99 % of zombies also( Nukes Not REAL!!! Preposterous!!) so take that haha! So FAKE lol. look at tat shit eating grin, just an actor playing a part and laughing at everyone for believing it, same as all the gov't here lol.

This guy help make me NUTS! also russianvids ( youtube conspiracy dude( who disappeared wtf?)
Him and Max Igan are you familiar, pretty interesting , eveyone hits you with links I am sure, I get them too haha Ole Is VERY interesting , I think this vid is on hoaxes weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hang on - that is 2:08 of stuff about completely different con jobs - nothing to do with flat earth...

I think I messed up, I thought Ole was all about Flat Earth, but I am not seeing it, however Ole had Jim fetzer on about the moon hoax and my point is they fake everything
and LIE about everything (pretty much) so you cannot be sure of anything that was taught, NOTHING. Think about it, school, law, taxes, unchecked police powers,, war,
obama care, U.S. postal service, nasa,voting, its all a charade , they can and do print money so why taxes????? control.... Why control??? Hide God. With God and 10 commandments, government stays small and just. maybe people stay free...The lies ALL lead back to flat earth, especially NASA.

I was smoking lots tonight lol I think I got confused in middle of my thought when I posted Ole I guess ...sorry.

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