Oil Pulling for TOOTH PAIN.

in #conspiracy6 years ago

A big thank you to all the truthers and self experimenters who have recorded their natural healing practices. I recently learned about the power of Clove Oil from @coachjoachim here on steemit, he uses it for preventative purposes and told me that it works well. So the other day I had some tooth pain where I got to the point I thought I would need to to go the dentist it was getting so bad. Instead, I swished clove oil straight at first (maybe too strong for your mouth it is a "hot" oil) and within 10 minutes the pain had subsided an INCREDIBLE amount. So then I went back online and took another look at oil pulling with coconut oil which I had heard about but never tried, sure enough people add a few drops of clove oil to the coconut oil and use it to help heal cavities.
I started oil pulling about a week ago and now even the tenderness when I chew is gone. We have been lied too for money and greed. Open you mind and you may just learn somethings, just don't wait until you are 46 years old to do it like I did!


No tooth pain in 5 days. Oil pulling and clove oil work for me FUCK the DENTIST LYING FREAKS!

Day 21 restricted Eating/OMAD - Lost 9 pounds from 170 lbs to 161 lbs, getting used to it.

Restricted Eating, I just cut out all grains, fruits, night shades, & sugar, wasn't eating that much but my psoriasis need to go away.

Knowledge without action is USELESS.


i could go with it for prevention although i have no base to base it on but once you feel actual PAIN

you SHOULD go to a dentist mate, teeth don't repair themselves

they're working on an enzyme that might do the trick but since that has to be approved AND pass the dentist lobby (cuz it would cost them millions if people can heal cavities) i wouldnt lie awake waiting for it

if you're really into truth im sure you can find the relevant info yourself

@rudyardcatling Thanks for your concern. I can tell you this, I have not had ANY pain since about 4 days of pulling. My question to you is how do you KNOW that teeth cannot repair themselves? Did a Dentist tell you this information? the Dentist who charges a couple hundred bucks per cavity? I am NOT saying that my tooth was healed but it FEELS that way, I could not even chew with it now it feels 100% NORMAL, , tooth or in the process of fully healing. That was the point of this post, that too me IS healing rather than believing what you are TOLD BELIEVE what you EXPERIENCE. Thnks again for your concern and comment!

@rudyardcatling you need to stop watching tv, its bad for your brain. Internet articles on modern science and new technologies are also no good. It doesn't get your brain to think.
Visit the library, its your best bet.

your dentist recommends fluoride which is used in rat poison? really?

I've been oil pulling for quite a few years, making my own clean toothpaste and using colloidal silver as a mouthwash and I haven't had a single problem with my teeth since.

I wish I would have learned this sooner, about 6 months my dentist ground a tooth that was giving me pain down to a nub, so I am now missing a tooth. I don't think I want a crown put in at this point because I don't want a hole drilled in my skull, SO GLAD to hear that you do the pulling, I just started colloidal silver about 1 week ago! Thanks for the comment.

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