Connecting The Dots Between Ever Increasing Mass Shootings And The Latest Leaks Of Government Agencies Electromagnetic Mind Control
There have been a few posts going round this week about the accidental leaked information of Electromagnetic Mind Control Procedures documented by US government agencies.
In the picture above take note of the top 4, all in the head area of the subject.
Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions.
Reading and broadcasting thoughts.
controlled dreams
Microwave hearing *
So, they are claiming they have had direct voice to skull transmissions successfully working in human subjects since the 70's , If this is true, what are they up to now in 2018?
If we go back and look at a few of these mass shootings we can see some very odvious and disturbing connections..
Let's take the latest Florida school shooting.
Suspected shooter Nicolas Cruz says on record he heard voices in his head telling him to shoot people.
2013 Washington Navy yard shooter Aaron Alexis who killed 12, complained prior to the shooting about hearing voices in his head, from some "microwave vibration machine" his words, Alexis had been apparently searching for the source responsible for projecting the voices...
2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooter, Esterban Santiago who killed 5 had been treated in Alaska for hearing voices and claimed CIA been forcing him to watch ISIS videos..
2017 Tennessee church shooter heard voices, had visions of church before attack
These are just a few cases off the top of my head, I'm sure if you do research you will find dozens more...
If in fact these people are being put under mind control from certain government forces, the question is why? Who really knows? Maybe to cause chaos...because when chaos is happening, people are scared and willing to give up more of their freedoms and will possibly accept any solution offered?
Cheers for reading
IMHO the "why" question would be pretty easy to answer if the assumption of mind control turns out to be correct.
The following agendas are benefiting from mass shootings or car attacks:
Gun control
Racial division
Mental health, "Baker Act"
More surveillance
More police
More metal detectors
Make driving cars illegal because they are a weapon
Create general fear and distractions
Create the notion that "Humans are evil"
Serve the "pre-crime" agenda
Militarize police
The list goes on and on...
People need to start waking up to the 5G control grid, which is the actual infrastructure for mind alterations such as this on a mass scale. Stop supporting our imprisonment by purchasing 'smart' products.
You're right, all of this has been known since the 70's and is based on milometer wave technology. If this 5g control grid gets online there will literally be nowhere to hide and we will all be physically, mentally and spiritually effected by this.
I recommend checking out the Inpower Movement which is a group focused on a practical approach to fighting all of this.
Thanks for sharing @wakeupworldnews!
Thanks for the info mate, I will check out the inpower movement
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.
A couple of the guys at the cryptopub are saying it is the Russians screwing with the american power grid.
Crazy times make for good tinfoil hat sales.
Cheers for posting!
Crazy times alright! Who really knows what is truly going on...cheers for the feedback😀
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