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RE: Green Phoenix Further Connections: Funding The Rebellion

As always a superbly researched and written post. I can hardly express my gratitude for your work adequately.

" may already see the rumblings of this seismic change beginning to slowly gather place. As previously highlighted, the ultimate intent is to remove people from the land and into high density housing. Many factors are intended to bring this ideal to fruition; water and land use controls will be attached to those that manage their own land, gradually centralisation and financial pressures will progressively lead to the closure of local sevices, post offices, banks, cash machines, the local pub etc etc."

I have indeed noted such hereabouts. In fact, not long ago Oregon was nearly embroiled in a shooting incident, if not a war, as the Democratic Party undertook to end the citizen initiative and referendum process that has long been enshrined here, and in the process of ending that attempt a Republican told the press that police sent to capture him should be 'heavily armed, and bachelors'. One of the bills that was so formed as to prevent citizen referendum regarding it was to impose carbon taxes that would have destroyed rural businesses and the communities that depend on them, just as you note is the intent of the faux environmental movement.

Oregon has some particular resource issues, one of the worst is that collecting the water that falls on your roof is illegal. I regard this as contrary to property rights going back to the paleolithic, and expect more folks respect it in the breach than not, but government is troublesome when it tries to be.

I have confidence that even maximally brainwashed sincere kids sucked into environmental corporatism will eventually snap out of their entrancement when proof of benevolent development by their peers armed with decentralized means of production are contrasted with jackbooted thugs stopping them, putting them in jail, and even killing them, but that's probably what it will take. This is why it is ever more critical that we adopt decentralized means of production and advance it's development as much as possible.

The thugs are undeniably coming. We need to be ready to prove the globalists are lying by showing how real environmentalists care for ecosystems, resources, and each other. A lot of the city kids were bamboozled by the rhetoric of the proponents of the carbon credit bill that was being foisted on Oregon, and I bet many of them still are. What stopped that from happening was the threat of war, and I don't think that will keep working forever.

Sooner or later, they'll bring the war, and when they do, we'd better be ready.



Thank you for taking the time to leave such a great comment @valued-customer .. I really appreciate it. And yes, your experiences and observations are very much in line with the encroaching land-use restrictions that they're slowly warming the public up to here in the UK & Europe. There is talk (which is aimed at making houses more affordable) that some kind of governing body will own the land/minerals etc underneath the house and the owner will only own the bricks and mortar, to be honest .. I've yet to fully look into it/research it .. so I'm withholding judgement, but it certainly got the alarm bells ringing! The words "having your house sold out from underneath you" sprang to mind. Equally houses would already be a lot cheaper if we had any semblance of a free market, in fact the government over here already pay half the deposit for first-time buyers just to keep this dog and pony show going. We have to be really vigilant/focused upon the fine print of the new land use, sustainable business etc etc laws that they will attempt to pass over the next few years .. the majority will cheer them on, but as always .. the devil will be in the details.

I have confidence that even maximally brainwashed sincere kids sucked into environmental corporatism will eventually snap out of their entrancement when proof of benevolent development by their peers armed with decentralized means of production are contrasted with jackbooted thugs stopping them, putting them in jail, and even killing them, but that's probably what it will take. This is why it is ever more critical that we adopt decentralized means of production and advance it's development as much as possible.

I very much agree, but I feel that before people/youth snap out of their socially engineered fear entrancement, it is going to go right down to the wire. They are looking to obtain increasing access to the school curriculum .. have a look at who is supporting this venture i.e Rockefeller and Turner Foundations. They appear predominantly focused upon primary age children. I ran out of time before I posted .. but I will add a further section about this movement (who again will very much believe they're doing the right thing) over the weekend. Basically, they focus upon getting the message to young children and from there (if they show promise) the interconnected nature of this system is able to connect them to globalist funded youth movements .. and then from there into something like etc etc.

"Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man." St Ignatius Loyola

This Civic Engagement Curriculum Guide will help you to integrate the Young Voices for the Planet films into formal or informal education. Source

I'm very much with you decentralisation .. in fact, my reason for writing the first post on my further reading list was to show that a greenwashed centralised energy sector is actually destroying the environment they purport to save .. power to the people!

They are marching forward, but in many instances (like you allude to with water restrictions) they are operating within grey areas of the law. If a concerned lawyer that was proficient in international law and human rights was to look into some of these areas .. I feel it would be an interesting confrontation. Thanks again my friend!

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