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RE: Will The Conspiracy Against Trump And American Democracy Go Unpunished?

I am an old man, born in America. All my life I have been bewildered by criminals in positions of authority.

If there ever was legitimate rule of law in the USA, it was before I was born.

I see no path to it. Certainly not through just going back to 'the good old days', because they never were, during my lifetime. I cannot either envision, save through deprivation so dire that Americans starve en masse, a way forward to lawful governance.

There is no easy way to just governance.

The hard way isn't looking good either.



Oh, and thank you for resteeming the article. I also like many of your posts and am following you now. :-)

I feel your sentiments. To be honest, I also do get quite depressed and pessimistic. But at least I am encouraged by the level of awakening that is occurring nowadays, especially online and on platforms such as Steemit. I am also hopeful that Blockchain, Cryptos, and up-and-coming technologies can re-shift power back to the people. In the end, it is really up to us to take it back. Cheers man.

.......crypto might just save the day...I have no idea how, exactly, but the law unintended consequences, and all that...

I refuse to let the fuckers make me more pessimistic than they have already done, for the last 10 years! lol


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