Why are all the beaches drying up?


Brazil, Uruguay, India, USA, Mexico and Italy all have had beaches suddenly dry up, in most cases overnight. Typically, when the shoreline dries up it is a sign of a tsunami, but with the above-mentioned places that was not the case:

BRAZIL/URUGUAY: August 11, 2017 it was reported that beaches from Punta del Este (in Uruguay) along with Tramandai and Porte Alegre (Brazil) shorelines dried up.

INDIA: August 12th it was reported that India was experperencing the same thing as Uruguay and Brazil.

USA: August 30, to September 16, 2017 Hurricane Irma drew water from Florida beeches and the Bahama’s. Granted the water was returned (during the hurricane) but it is still odd that the hurricane pulled so much water from the shorelines that it was very noticeable.


Brazil (again) September 21, 2017. Once again, the shoreline dried up. The explanation given for this was “Dry Tide”. Just throwing this out there… try typing dry tide into Google…. Did you get results for Tide laundry detergent or Dry Tide Cleaners? Maybe you got one link about dry tide. If you clicked on the link you will see that this has to do with what was happing to Brazil the past few months… but people were told this is a normal event. Got it, it is so normal that the only article on the internet is about the events right after they happen… Yeah right!

MEXICO: February 1st of this year Playa Balandra had a similar experience as Florida and the Bahamas were a the shoreline grew noticeable overnight.

ITALY: February 2nd of this year reports were made that the Venice Canals dried up after the super blue blood moon, which took place on January 31, 2018.

If beaches around the world was not enough for you then check out this YouTube video from YouTuber End Times Production:

In this video End Time Production shows a timeline of these events:

January 23,2018: 7.9 earthquake hits Alaska and a 6.0 earthquake hits Indonesia.

January 24, 2018: An extreme drought is reported in South Africa – (Cape Town is shutting of its taps (water) on April 21, 2018. They are already on restricted water uses, right now it 23 gallons of water per person per day and that will be going down to 13 (if it has not already). Most Americans use 100 gallons per day). Also, on this day there was extreme Flooding in France

January 25, 2018: 4.0 earthquake hits California, a major ice event disrupts sea life in Liaodong Bay China.


Now based upon both timelines, what do you think is going on? Is this something to watch? Do you think that this is just the “tip of the iceberg” (pun intended ^^)? We would really love to hear your thoughts on this. If you know of another event that might helps us figure out what is going on please post below. We truly would love to hear your thoughts, comments and/or concerns about this below. As always, Thank You for reading this article and if you would like to see more of our work visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or visit us directly at T.B.L


Drying up beaches may be due to strong storms offshore along with the direction of the wind. Or maybe it is due to increasing global warming which increases our atmosphere temperature and pressure. But all these natural phenomena are forecasted by weather specialists based on probabilistic data. Who can say what happens next? Maybe worse or maybe bad. We must be prepared for everything. Some natural calamities are beyond our control and can't be eradicated. Only we can do is follow preventive measures against it.

The beach that dried up in the USA was right before a major hurricane, so I agree that some of these could be caused by strong storms or hurricanes. The one that makes me question is Italy.... when researching this we found that this time a year is when there is normally more rain. Now all conspiracy aside, this could be a drought starting for them. We agree 100% that people need to be prepared for anything and everything... one can never know what will happen.

If that is the case with Venice Canals, then that must be a threat that there will be chronic flooding in Venice city which could leave it permanently underwater. Studies have indicated that the city is sinking at a rate of 1-2mm per year.

I think we are getting into increasing levels of weather warfare with many countries now quite sophisticated in their abilities, and the ring of fire which is like an exposed nerve of the earth and could be used against U.S. or China

This could very well be weather warfare. One thing that my partner and I both have noticed and said (to each other) is that it is colder now. Growing up in the part of the US that we both did we are use to cold weather, but the cold we have now is different... and I know that sounds crazy, but it is different. This cold goes to your bones and is much colder than it was when we were children. Have you experienced anything like that... where it felt one way as a child and now it is different?

Yeah, I remember blue skies, more birds, and insects all over the grill of the car. As far as temp yeah its getting colder. I believe much of the "warming" statistics are taken from rising ocean temperatures, which is because of increased geothermal activity which while warming the ocean is actually part of a natural cycle heading into an ice age

Wow siempre me preguntaba lo mismo amigo, gracias por aclarar algunas dudas :D

Your most welcome and glad we could help ^^!

Gracias por todo amigo :D soy fiel seguidor de su blog :)

I think it the issue of Global warming.The temperature is rising by day by day .The mountains of Nepal were used to be covered with lots of snow but now there is only black stones seen. Anyways, Where have you been ? it's quite long you didnt posted

I know that places show global warming but where I am things have gotten colder... much colder over the years....

Sorry for the delay in post... life happened. We had some business pop up that took our attentions, but we are back now.

great to see you back :)

Muy cierto amigo, gracias por despejar la inquietud que tenía sobre ese tema.

You are welcome and thanks for commenting.

Gracias amigo!

It would seem that there are consequences to "playing god." I wish that for one second the powers at be would consider their actions.

I remember a science teacher of mine in middle school he said that that scientists of today are always focused on the question. "What can we do?" Never seeming to ask the more important question. "What ought we to do?"

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