Walmart, Fema, Martial Law…Is there a connection?steemCreated with Sketch.

Walmart, Fema, Martial Law...Is there a connection?


Starting in April 2015 we seen Walmart close 5 stores with only a 2 hour notice to employees and customers. They claimed that these stores where closed because of plumbing issues.

walmartlaw 2.jpg

The problem with that is these stores where not in the same area, in fact they where all in completely different states. At that time a lot of people became suspicious of this situation... Over 2 years later more stores have been closed and no real answers have been given.

Now if you look at the closed stores, you will see that they are completely empty and the merchandise has been cleared out, BUT YET the security systems have been updated!?... Closed stores now look like a replica of a prison! (Some even with with guard towers included!!!)

walmart guard.jpg

walmart guard.jpg

I urge you not to take our word on this matter but rather do research on this! There is TONS of information out there. Walmart is a helping the powers that be.

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I agree, this looks kind of scary.
Too many coincidences these days :)
I find it also interesting that in the FEMA camps the barbed wire is on the INSIDE, so nobody can get out. Probably also just a coincidence or honest mistake...Thanks for posting, I will follow you for more!

Thank you for replying and we apologize for our late reply. Let me first start by saying "You are absolutely right!" I too have noticed that the barbed wire is set up to be almost facing inwards as if it's meant to keep people inside. After taking that into consideration along with guard towers, scary thoughts begin manifesting to say the very least. There have also been quite a few reports that state that there are tunnels underneath some of these very same locations as well. I know that most of this information was disclosed while Obama was still in office and around that time there were also reports of "coffin liners" stacked as if seemingly "in storage for later use" at some of these closed Walmart locations. In one YouTube video I witnessed a person get inside one of the liners to demonstrate that you could easily fit 5 people in them.

Well, looks like SOMEBODY has a plan for us...
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Oh definitely! What I can't seem to find on the wiki link you sent is more information on the "cornerstone" that was removed and broken apart "masonic ceremonial-style" (bent on wounded knee utilizing a chisel and hammer)see picture below

wounded knee.png

Nor anymention os the "Sacred Geometry" that is used in building this monument on uneven land but yet it astrologically is aligned perfectly when you gaze through the hole to be lined up with the North Star. dropped a big hint below

north-star (1).jpg

But do not worry because nobody can say WHO actually ordered that this monument be put here. (^ ^) However the initials that were on the cornerstone and the ****date**** that it was demolished may hold significant importance in figuring out this mystery. (Think Numbers not letters or the numerical value of letters to be more precise). Perhaps we can write a full followup article on this at a later date because this has puzzled us MANY sleepless nights. This is a topic that we would love to discuss later but for now (to keep this reply from becoming a fully illustrated book.. too late huh? lol) thank you for your reply and we hope that you are enjoying and getting some rest and relaxation during this Holiday Season! Take Care ^ ^

LOL. You are opening not just one but a plethora of "cans of worms" here.
Wikipedia. Dear Lord. It is notorious for "filtering" information. Just yesterday I watched a documentary on how proud Israel is about "Correcting Information" on Wikipedia. LOL. Do I need to say more?
Anyways, nice to meet you, enjoy your Holidays!

I see it! the connection! It's so true! And Weird! follow!


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