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RE: Green Phoenix Further Connections: Funding The Rebellion

I’d like to know what you think is behind the immigration agenda? Sure at face value, the EU will have you believe that it has everything to do with humanitarianism, but I don’t buy that at all. In fact, the rate at which immigration is happening in the EU comes off not only counterintuitive but also detrimental. This is happening to the extent that cultures are being overwritten. Some areas are becoming Islamicized to the point where you have to be a Muslim to live in said areas or suffer inevitable consequences. Do you think any of this NGO driven mass migration is related to agenda 21/2030? If yes, or no, what do you suppose the end game is?


Hey my friend, hope you've been well? Personally, I believe that agenda 21/2030 is THE agenda, and that all other aspects of the globalist fuelled movements/social changes and entwined with the same ideal of claiming complete dominion over all aspects of the human condition. At it's most simplistic it's a game of divide and conquer .. although dividing the world is a complex and multi-faceted process. In terms of mass Muslim migration; if you (as a means to create agitation) were looking for a belief system that was the polarity of western values .. you would probably pick Islam, you could almost say people were primed for it.

For approaching a generation every expression (and there are hundreds if not thousands of them) of the Muslim faith has been equated with hardline Saudi Arabian inspired Wahhabism, the western populace has been drip-fed a daily diet of Islamic inspired fear porn. Equally, during the same timeframe; bombs have rained down across the middle east, entire communities destroyed, family members blown up in front of each other's eyes, and then we've all been drawn together and placed in the same communities/cities/towns? Of course, someone would have known such an influx would cause agitation and social friction (division). It also nudges the opposing political mind frames of the host countries towards the extremities of an increasingly weaponised left/right paradigm, more division and more control to be capitalised from the intended discourse.

To my mind, they want to cause social chaos, to break down the western social structure and then rebuild it in their desired image. At the moment I feel that the migrants are being used as much (if not more) than anyone, and that such mass migration is being used to focus our attention on the effect and not the cause, to focus our attention towards infighting and away from the bigger picture, to direct anger towards the migrants and shift it away from the architects of the system. But that ultimately (gradually), migration is intended to erode the perception of a national identity and create (not saying they will achieve it) their desired global citizen, that will be led by a one-world government and kept in check by a one-world army .. and live in a sustainably developed one world, because we are one, right? The left may well get their nationless, borderless world, what they don't realise is that the common man won't be able (or afford) to travel anywhere.

Where was I? lol There are areas in the UK that are entirely Muslim, and Muslim no go areas are real .. I've seen them and don't need to be told they don't exist by some pompous newsreader. The speed and scale of mass migration is what is going to cause the most problems. Of course, if they knew anything about the tribal basis for our psychology (hint they do) it would be known that Muslims would gather together in selected areas and that when large groups move en masse it makes integration far more difficult. This is actually pretty normal and is shown throughout every society in the world .. we gravitate towards the tribe with which we share commonality, mostly a cultural (in this instance religious) commonality .. the in joke etc etc. The thing is they want people angry for manipulated anger is an emotion (an energy) that be directed and used to fuel their system. The more angry people are towards each other, the tighter the controls can get .. after a while, it becomes self-perpetuating. There are certainly no easy answers in all this .. but I do know that fanning the flames has the potential to burn all our fingers. Cheers my friend, and thanks for the upvote/resteem :) .. you might be interested in the post I wrote below:

No need to thank me, I love your work! Also, thank you for the thoughtful reply. I think we’re mostly on the same page. The migration is happening so fast that it doesn’t allow for proper integration. Some religious sects, depending on the area of the world, are radically against western ways. Like you implied, it’s bound to lead to conflict. It seems like they’re intention is to balkanize, but I don’t know to what end. It could be as simple as the divide-and-conquer technique, but if it’s more, I can’t see them successfully dictating what the culture will be after that unless they’re just banking on the idea that Islam will prevail and plan to roll with that. To be honest, whether or not that Pike quote was true, this effort seems so very much like his alleged prediction of WWIII, or whoever wrote that anyhow. Thanks for the link, I will go read that!

Thanks my friend. It's difficult to observe how they could alter society to such a degree through the lens of the moment, then again if someone had told you ten years ago the way things are playing out now .. you'd be forgiven for disbelieving them .. and yet many seem willing to accept insanity and normality, it's a funny old world! I've come to believe (observe with my own eyes) that with the passage of time, social engineering, the right way of framing things and capitalising on events that instill fear into the mind of the populace .. they can pretty much convince the majority of anything! It seems like they're engineering some kind of clash of civilisations .. with religious connotations. I some deeper ideas on this .. but they require some more work/thought. Thanks again @thoughts-in-time

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