Tracking Data by Strava app reveals Top Secret military bases in Antarctica the shape of a giant “C”

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Recently a number of highly classified top secret locations of US military bases have been leaked onto the net, by none other than a fitness app used by the military.


The Strava fitness app, which tracks user movements via GPS (Global Positioning Systems), has not only has revealed the exercise routines of the military but also the "places they exercise", many of which are Top Secret.


I have done a video where I go into my opinions here:



The Guardian reports:

The map, released in November 2017, shows every single activity ever uploaded to Strava – more than 3 trillion individual GPS data points, according to the company. The app can be used on various devices including smartphones and fitness trackers like Fitbit to see popular running routes in major cities, or spot individuals in more remote areas who have unusual exercise patterns.

However, over the weekend military analysts noticed that the map is also detailed enough that it potentially gives away extremely sensitive information about a subset of Strava users: military personnel on active service.


Since the revelation a number of users have been pouring over the GPS data, which is displayed below in a graphic; tracking exercise through a "Heat Map" (seen below):

A researcher on Reddit (beatricejensen) showed that someone using the Strava app has been working out, in none other than Antarctica and walking in a giant C.


Here is the image with brightness and contrast adjusted, so that the giant C is more visible:

It is unknown what this location is, but it is likely under the surface of Antarctica, and is massive in size. Some have speculated, that it seems to display some of the architecture of a giant particle accelerator. Although what it is, is widely unknown.

Antarctica has long been rumored to be a nest of secret military bases - with Google Earth not only blocking some of the locations in Antarctica, but directly censoring (seen below).

Antarctica is also the location of an anomaly, which I have talked about at length in a number of videos on my first YouTube channel, Esoteric Detective, which can be seen here:



On my other Channel, The Outer Dark, I have also done a number of videos which can be seen here:



Although it is hard to see what is on the surface, with Google censoring through satellite images, we now strangely with the GPS fitness tracking data, can see what is below the surface. But what is below the surface and its fuction, apart from the shape, is largely unknown.

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I think the 'C' is to indicate that all of Antarctica is Classified ;)

I have been researching In to the truth for the last two years and have come to the conclusion through research and my own observations, that the Earth Is flat and motionless. I listen to you regularly and I do appreciate the work you do but this sort of reporting fits In to the a-lie-n agenda they are pushing and as Wernher Von Braun warned In the later years of his life. Their Is a plan In place to stage multiple huge false flags to bring In their demonic new world order. These people are setting everyone up and we better wake up to what reality really Is before It's too late. I think we all have a huge responsibility to make sure we do not unintentionally spread disinformation and seek and spread truth.

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