PLANNED PARENTHOOD CAUGHT doing the unthinkabe. New U.S. Texas Law Stops the Selling of....steemCreated with Sketch.

My apologies. This is Dark...but, important and good news to follow. You probably remember the great undercover work done by Project Veritas exposing Planned Parenthoods criminal (and stomach-turning) business deals. I had a conversation with someone who justified this Fetus' for sale. Being pro-choice shouldn't mean immoral and unethical. I respect both views...and have my own. I don't believe government should control anything in our private lives. I believe the universe hands us the lessons we need to learn and to control our choices is to interfere with our spiritual lessons....but, I digress. Regardless of your beliefs...We can all agree this is crossing the line. It's hard enough on the mothers without finding out this shit.

I saw this politicon debate and had not heard of this new regulation passed to cremate and bury fetus'. The lefty speaking thought that was over-reaching. Who in their right mind would protest a proper burial. I think it implies a human life while simultaneously burning money (literally) for the black market. No one has interfered with their right to have the procedure...yet, they're all up in arms?

Personally, I was thrilled to hear about this burial thing. It gives me hope that there is a "behind the scenes" clean-up going on...and in all corners of deception. Most U.S. citizens did not know we were paying for over-seas abortion and god only knows what these freaks are up to with that. It would be great to see these cartels fall. Anyway, that's my take on this issue. They're using these lefty liberals to fight for something that only benefits the (corrupted) usual.

Texas will require aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated

Katie Hopkins on a Politicon panel

Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts

Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

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