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RE: Is The Oil Industry Suppressing Alternative Fuels? We can run an engine on tap water!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Tesla was aiming at free and wireless electricity. It's absolutely shocking (little pun there) that Tesla was pretty much completely left out of the history and science we have been fed by the education system.

... His first discussion is about a machine that can gather heat from the ambient air. He calls it a “Self-acting Engine” since it could run indefinitely from the solar energy stored in the air. He called it “the ideal way of obtaining motive power”......

No we do not know exactly how the sun works in much the same way we have no idea what gravity is, the electric sun theory actually seems to make a lot of sense, any theory that goes against mainstream dogma is criticised and often called pseudoscience which is hilariously hypocritical.

I think a lot of Tesla's ideas about free energy sourced from the atmosphere were based on the electric universe theory and in fact Einstein died trying to prove that not only were the forces of electricity and magnetism of the same field of energy, where they were previously regarded as separate forces, but that gravity was also in the same field, in proving gravity to be in the same field of energy as electromagnetism he would have proved a unified field for all existence (I'm not sure why it would prove that)....

I generally do weigh up both sides of things and often sit on the fence as far as opinions go, in this case however I am much more open to the possibilities in the unknown and the mystery of the subatomic quantum world rather than having my mind closed by old fashioned ideas. It's not as black and white as science once made out.


His first discussion is about a machine that can gather heat from the ambient air. He calls it a “Self-acting Engine” since it could run indefinitely from the solar energy stored in the air. He called it “the ideal way of obtaining motive power”...

He is talking about a sterling engine, they are used in some commercial scale solar electric generation stations. they work on temperature differentials. You can buy a model that you can build at home. my brother had to build one as part of his mechanical engineering degree from MIT. Goddard built a working solar power unit prior to 1920.

we know a lot about the sun.

tesla's electricity would have been free of charge, not "free energy" in the perpetual motion machine sense.

I won the science fair twice, once was with my tesla coil and the other was with my pickle light based on quantum physics.

The geet engine and perpetual motion free energy machines are impossible under both classic and quantum physics.

Perhaps you're right. So Tesla did not believe in the electromagnetic nature of the universe and did not believe that we could harness this unlimited energy source to power the world for free. It would definitely be unreasonable to assume that the huge spinning magnet we live on could provide free and usable electricity. The electric sun model has no scientific bases because we already know exactly what it is, we know everything and scientists should stop investigating any method of trying to harness the natural power that governs the universe because they will forever be at a loss. It is not and never will be possible to tap the electric forces that are the very makeup of the material world. Perpetual motion is never going to be possible ever because we know everything already.

I'm glad we cleared this up.

This is fairly interesting

"However the atoms in time crystals – the existence of which was first suggested in 2012 – repeat a pattern across the fourth dimension, time.

This essentially means they should oscillate forever without any external influence."

he believed we could harness hydroelectric, geothermal and solar energy to power the world for free. In theory we can and we do already to some extent except people like making money so it's not really free. He also believed he contacted aliens.

Perpetual motion is never going to be possible ever because of everything we know already. Tesla certainly didn't believe a perpetual motion machine was possible because he had a good understanding of physics.

Where can I learn more about time crystals? what is that a quote from?

Google, quantum time crystals.. It's trippy, as is most of the quantum stuff. It's interesting how perpetual motion could not even take place in a "frictionless" vacuum apparently due to decaying atoms exerting a force or something. I'm actually not that sciency to be honest I'm more curious about the nature of consciousness and it does seem the only way we can actually know something of the outside world is to know the nature of consciousness because the two are inextricably one and the same, science is only really beggining to realise objective reality is essentially made of consciousness. I do think alternative energies are purposefully suppressed and that there is untold amounts of useable energy in the atmosphere, the torus, van allen radiation belt (which has never been passed by man and probably not even machine).. I do wonder about what secrets are being kept from us in Antarctica, I think it's the only treaty that has never been broken...

I don't google things

Symmetries in nature lead directly to conservation laws, something which is precisely formulated by the Noether theorem.[15]
The basic idea of time-translation symmetry is that a translation in time has no effect on physical laws, i.e. that the laws of nature that apply today were the same in the past and will be the same in the future.[16] This symmetry implies the conservation of energy.[17

Time crystals do not violate the laws of thermodynamics: energy in the overall system is conserved, such a crystal does not spontaneously convert thermal energy into mechanical work, and it cannot serve as a perpetual store of work.


There you go, the laws of physics are inviolate.

It is perpetual

But you cannot make energy from their motion, E=MC2 still applies.

They possess "motion without energy"[20]—their apparent motion does not represent conventional kinetic energy.[2

Did you read about the ones they created? they required massive amounts of energy and only exist briefly.

There is no model of these things where they can be used for a perpetual motion machine. They explicitly say that energy is conserved, as it always it. If you want free energy buy some solar panels or a micro hydro unit, build or buy a biomass gasifier, time crystals and geet engines are not ways to generate energy.

"Tesla envisioned a very long bundle of metal rods, extending from the earth to outer space. The earth is warmer than outer space so heat would be conducted up the bars along with an electric current. Then, all that would be needed is a very long power cord to connect the two ends of the metal bars to a motor. The motor would continue running until the earth was cooled to the temperature of outer space."

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers, i.e.

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