
sift- Gravity is NOT PROVEN, Cannot be even described, and rests upon a THEORY. It is CALLED Brainwashing. Moon lnding a joke- The video camara's battteries back then were not even strong enough to send a signal from moon to earth??? think about that.... tons of batteries would be needed. LOL. no Noise, no toilets, no problem

Space is FAKE. Earth is Flat , come and see me or schedule an interview Iam now doing my own Flat earth Shows and am looking for recently enlightened people! Thanks for the post and I resteemed also PEACE and I have ZERO problem with you believing we live on a ball, to each their own.

I can't help it...


I was just trying to remember this guy. Didn't he say not long ago that our earth isn't a "perfect" sphere but rather it's "pear" shaped being bigger and fatter below the equator and smaller up here where we are? Now I'm not a FE myself but when these guys come out and say the Earth is now pear shaped WTF starts to flash upstairs you know?

If we are a flat earth like you say then just what the hell are we? Like one of those Christmas snow domes sitting on some shelf along side many others in some other bigger realm belonging to the 7th grade science class of whatever entities live there? Hmmm, I guess anythings possible right?

Eric Dubay History of Flat Earth. You are OPEN MINDED. As you know, Don't believe a WORD I SAY, but I beg you to spend a couple of hours and watch Eric's video.

Very insightful regarding a snowglobe and that is EXACTLY what I think we live in and is described in MANY texts including the Bible.

The WTF you mention is your BUILT in God Given BULLSHIT DETECTOR! Congrats to paying attention to it. I only did 12 months ago and my life has turned around.

I lost my love of money and now I LOVE EVERYONE! (I have to admit anyone in gov makes me feel hate so, I just hope they are not truly evil and we can save them from causing others so much pain.

This one really good too.

PEACE and if you watch and still believe we live on a ball than good for you, at least you investigated for YOURSELF!

Much Love! -Dave

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