
One question I have been asking since learning that there is "another outbreak" is this going to be like the one from 2014? Are we going to be bombard with MSM reports about who has Ebola now?

i cant really speak about that, it never even hit the news for long here , i didnt even know there had been cases in the americas but thats television for you lol, pre-chewed to make sure it doesn't startle the natives out of their daily routines, i bet that's not too different overthere, seeing as not too long ago the war in Syria seems to have been portrayed as 'something new' while assad has been gassing his citizens for i dont know how many years now while both the eagle and the bear have been using no-mans land to test out their new gimmicks, tricks and strategies ... dis-information is still the norm, it hasn't changed much since the 50s ... well at least that's what it looks like. I don't think i turned on the television in about three or four months ... my parents sometimes do when they're in belgium (retired people they spend a lot of time in their little shed-on-the-hill in france) but for me all it does is aggravate me, and i'm already aggravated by default in the past years, takes a lot of willpower to keep it inside sometimes but well

he who angers you controls you right ? best to keep it cool and level :)

I like the way you put "pre-chewed" that is a good way of describing the news over here. We do not watch any MSM media unless we see it in passing (someone else watching and we overhear a story). We both gave up on MSM news a long time ago. It is best to keep cool and level, but if your are like us, you lose it from time to time ^^.

i agree, that can't be avoided ... i've always wanted a soundproof shouting room with stuff to break and baseballbats hahah but i m afraid its above my paygrade for now , i used to keep it on in the back switching between the 400+ channels from ccn to russia today to cctv to bloomberg and back and at the end of the day i found i could sometimes distill a bit out of the same topics as reported by every single channel, because its all "coloured" ofcourse , there's an underlying opinion but in the end the conclusion remains the same : its 90% politics and 10% advertisting, sometimes 50-50 but they have no intention of bringing the actual facts as facts

on my last job ( a while ago ) i bought a shiney 50 inch plasma tv ... i used it mainly for windows games now, if i ever because i'm not really a gamer anymore either, sadly, i used to find lots of fun in that, it's escapism after all, just like reading a book would be

sifting through both content and data here and a bit of interaction with a diverse group of people gets me a lot more than being fed by "the methadone metronome"

if you don't mind a laugh btw : i just had one -->

americans have a bit of the reputation of being the most chauvinist, narcist culture on the planet overhere, but that's because people

only watch TV, lol, they never see the critics and the free thinkers

It would be nice to have a room that you could just let it all out in... I started like that, would keep the TV on for "background noise" until I noticed that I still was keeping up with the MSM... Nowadays it is videos that are playing a subject I am researching . We use our TV's as monitors now. What games did you play? We play FFXIV from time to time (we are taking a break from it right now, hopefully they will release a patch that has story in it before we go back to it ^^)

I watched the video. Most Americans do not understand this, its depressing. I can understand and even see why Americans are thought of like that. Do not get me wrong, I love my country and what it could be! I do have to say that America has an "all about me" society. It is all about being "better" than everyone else, the problem is being "better" is all about what you have and not who you are. There are a few of us that know better...a few lol.

I watched this one a while back. It was so great to see an entertaining bit of cartoon truth.

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