The Real Matrix

When I saw the film the Matrix, I felt something was true about it. I began to search for the real Matrix. When I found it, I thought, it would be easy to wake people up, and bring down the invisible prison. It shocked me that people that are asleep, would fight me and others, that try to wake them up. It is like they love to be slaves.


I'll follow Millie down the rabbit hole!

There is a next level of awakening beyond this.

Good video, It's all propaganda at the end of the day they produce Bullshit, we consume it. Simple concept. i was always one to connect dots that don't need to be connected. But the real truth in this video and in life period is, only a REMNANT WILL COME TO SEE THE TRUTH.

Well there is also an agenda of a 1 world govt. and 90% population reduction. The Globalists are Luciferians. Notice how the EU parliament looks like the Tower of Babel painting.

Ted Turner about population reduction.

Research UN's Agenda 21. I have been awake since around 2000. I know this as a fact.

The 'real truth' does not exist. there is no false truth. there is only true and false. This is simple Orwellian Doublespeak. I nearly puked watching this, there is so much tongue in cheek manipulation going on behind the scenes of this video.

  1. The matrix frame, whatever I put into the matrix frame will be somewhat convincing, especially If I employ pop culture references. The movies are the subtext and since we all know these movies we are more likely to agree with what is said

  2. The meaningless and theatrical concessions, gesture anchoring, exposing some of the advertising tricks

  3. While being a hypocrite and doing it to their audience.

My rigid opinion is that Info wars is too polarised to be presenting this material.

The truth is, that there is an Elite, that wants a 1 world govt. 90% population reduction, micro chipped public(can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast) and a 1 world religion("humanitarianism"/Luciferianism):

If the world population was asked, if they wanted that, they would refuse. So they manipulate and use social engineering, false flags etc. to get people to go along. Some will even argue that all this is just a stupid conspiracy and slowly go along with it.

All this crap about global warming, that is a way to trick people to go along with a "green" feudal system where most people will accept to pay CO2 taxes and limit their CO2 footprint.

The end goal is to make it very expensive for middle class/poor people to live and only the rich can afford to live a CO2 rich lifestyle. That explains why Al Gore and other globalists are so hypocritical, when it comes to Global Warming.

Your right, i mean all of the people like Jesse Ventura and stuff are all pretty much cognitive that these things are occurring and manipulating society. I just could not be so asphyxiated on upon the fact of a "they are after us" when it can be taken as thinking everyone is against you which is a horrible mind state to have. This is just mere info about what is going on while also doing it to you in the video which is what i was saying earlier or on a previous post, idk ..maybe i was eluding to that.

The Elite are very manipulative and hateful of humanity. I have talked with them many times.

No I do not fear them, or think they will kill me for speaking about them. The reason why, is because their mindset is not like that at all. They are Luciferians. They believe in Social Darwinism/Eugenics. According to the Luciferian laws as I understand it. They have to be open about, what they do to us, if we because of willful ignorance ALLOW it to happen, we have given permission. We got free will. They have to respect that.

If you want to get a feel for their mindset. Watch this:

I think they have put this one out there, so if it is ignored, we allow it.

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