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RE: Net Neutrality Globalist Conspiracy

If the government doesn't legislate that the internet be free, corporations will make sure it isn't.

If the government starts legislating the internet, then it's already not free.

Imagine a world where Verizon chooses to block all Libertarian websites because, or even Steemit itself.

Imagine a world where the government starts blocking websites like in North Korea or China.

Microsoft is now partnered with IOTA, now imagine they worked with Verizon and Comcast to block all other cryptos. That'd be 90% of the internet (at least in the US) unable to use anything else.

So what, other businesses could partner with other coins. What is the problem exactly here?

That's what you'll get without Net Neutrality.

The internet worked very well before NN, and most countries outside the US don't have NN regulation and it works just fine.

But countries like Arab Dictatorships, North Korea and China have massive government control and censorship. I bet you don't like that do you?


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