RE: Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - The Media's Hall Of Mirrors That Controls Our Minds!
I was without a TV for about sixteen years. I recently had to move in with my father to help him. I am concerned, I had my back to a TV at a restaurant and was horrified as I watched people overcome with an odd glazed over, out of it, frozen facial expression, their eyes were huge. They were totally and fully entrained on the TV. It was spuing mindless and useless poop and they looked like they were under a spell or hypnotized.
There are very old government reports that prove certain frequencies pulsed through TV screens and now, computer, tablet, phones, create a state of full entrancement, similar to a hypnotized state. Seizures can also be triggered.
Musically, back in the day instruments were tuned to 443, frequencies in this tuning range create organized, symmetrical balanced and beautiful patterns in sand. Look into the history of the tuning used today, 440, it was actually implemented by a Nazi. 440 frequencies cause, cause, disorder and distress, even illness and disease. I didn't believe it at first. I thought it was nuts, do a little research and you will be horrified. Twice I spent hours harmonically tunng a large drum set to 440. Both times I was sick for serveal days afterwards. It was very strange.