Las Vegas Shooting: Real or Government Drill?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

At the end of reading this article and reading the links and videos attached, it should be easy to decide for yourself if the Las Vegas shooting was for real or if it was a Government drill. There have been many false flags since 9/11 including 9/11, Sandy Hook, Aurora movie theatre shooting, Boston Bombing, Orlando nightclub shooting, and now the Las Vegas shooting. The PSYOP that has been perpetrated on the public these last few years is if anyone questions the official narrative the MSM and everyone else begin expressing outrage to anyone that would consider shootings a false flags or worse a hoax. This has been rolled out by the MSM and the gullible American people, have fallen for it each time. This should, at this point in time, bring up a red flag for everyone. The officials that fool us with every false flag or hoax get away with it continually, because Americans let themselves think with their hearts and emotions versus rational thought. If Americans would step back and think without the emotional manipulation they would see there is plenty of evidence supporting no deaths and no concrete evidence that there were. These are the "victims" of the shooting.

The place to begin in the journey to the truth is the time of the shooting. The link below is Dr. Jim Fetzers blog with an attached must see youtube video by "The Friendly Flipper" who was in Las Vegas staying at a hotel down the road. The shots woke him up and he began live streaming on facebook and caught the entire police scanner conversation along with his narritive and things that happened to him along the way in the 2 hour journey. Pay attention in this video to the timeline of events which will proof the entire Las Vegas Police Department narrative is false. It will also show you how corrupt the Main Stream Media is and how they will continue to lie to the American people day after day helping the government push an agenda.

Next, is a video after the shooting a truth seeker spying on the FBI in the concert areas for clean-up with a high powered camera taking a look at what was going on. The first thing noticed is that no where at all are there any bullet holes. Now think about it. NO bullet holes anywhere after the shooter shot and killed 58 people and injured another 500 more and not one bullet hole anywhere. The statistics in this occuring has got to be near impossible. The FBI is also not cleaning up any blood instead they are painting.

To determine if the shooting was a drill or real, one has to look at the victims and find out a few things about them that may give clues to the shooting. The 2 links below is again Dr. Jim Fetzers blog about current false flags and news events, are two articles that cover all the victims and where they are from, what there age is, any discrepancies in the obituary and where they are buried. The research lead to contradictions of where the people died, what day they died, what the causes of death were and there being no graves for a majority of the 58 victims.
Part one of victims:
Part two of victims:

Furthermore, on Dr. Jim Fetzers blog, a military surgeon wrote in to Paul Craig Roberts stating, "I have now viewed most of the mainstream media reports on YouTube of the victims in hospital and I can assure you they are all actors and not one of these people is a legitimate patient. Being shot with a high-powered weapon and struck with a high velocity bullet is a very trumatic experience and indeed more patients routinely die from the trauma rather than the wound itself. Yet all these patients being interviewed in bed are not surrounded with emergency care diagnostic equipment at all, are looking completely normal, relaxed and comfortable. This is not how patients feel one or two days after being shot with a high-powered assault weapon I can assure you and even if its only in the leg it is still serious." In the article Roberts also includes a youtube video that shows an actual surgery of a person shot with a weapon like Paddocks. It is obvious that the victims on news interviews are completely fake. They are people that state they were shot in the head, neck, leg, etc. with no bandage or area that looks injured. Also most of the victims are up and around a few days after being shot. This is fantasy! The MSM and government obviously think the American people are to dumbed down to notice something so important.

Screenshot 2017-10-07 at 8.05.57 AM - Edited.png

The area to always look at when investigating a possible false flag is who profits. Follow the money. End Times News Report on youtube does an excllent job finding out the players in the stock market that made a good amount of money due to the shooting. The reason this should be a smoking gun or red flag is that these people bet against the casino without any reason, which obviously shows prior knowledge that something is going to happen to bring down stock in the casino.

Last but not least, a video done by ex CIA member Dr. Steve Pieczenik who knows who was responsible for this shooting and blasts it on this video. Dr. Pieczenik has been consistent with information he has posted. Furthermore, he is a person whom is trustworthy showing sincerity that he wants the U.S to survive and be ok from the corruption we have endured for generations. His words will sum up the entire false flags and the people involved. Americans need to wake up before all freedom, wealth, and land is stolen.

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