
Alright can't wait! So where are these children now then?

the children as well as the 'parents' are actors. They're hired. These kids are still running around elsewhere. And of course, you and many others would say: but they will be recognized...No, they won't. Because if someone does recognize them, they will be called conspiracy theorists and ridiculed. There are a lot of ads that can be found just before these 'shootings and terror attacks' happen all over the world, asking for actors to act in drills....It is not only America. These shootings are indeed intended so people will demand for fire arms to be removed. They ask, the government delivers. 9/11 is a good example of this. People were practically begging for more security and more security they got. Now, when you try to enter any US airport, there are long lines and crazy security measures. And it is NOT just the US government, it is everywhere. 'Terror attacks' in Europe had people call for extra security measures at airports. Here in Ireland, the government is getting reprimanded by others because our security is not as strict here as some other airports. Some people might think this is a good thing, but where does it stop? Does it stop here, by stricter security (X-ray, finger prints) or can we expect in the future to all be micro-chipped if you try to get on board of a plane? You say you like my creativity, but not sure it's less odd than the original, with which you more or less admit that you find the story at least a bit're one step further to the truth now....That healthy scepticism you have now, I had too at the beginning of my truthseeking 'career' (or conspiracy theorist)...I call it critical thinking. Anyways, this was quite some time back. You are Dutch too, you know what they say: 'De nuchtere Hollander." By the way: it's only the Dutch that say that about'll never hear a person from Belgium say it, and it doesn't really translate to other languages...Those 'down-to-earth' Dutch people host the head quarters for the Bilderberg group and it's annual gathering of members...Check out the guest list...If you check out (and truly watch all the videos you can find and read all you's not a 10 minute job) the 'terror attacks' and mass shootings we had in the US, Europe and elsewhere, you will see that 'witnesses' either cry without tears, or look down and like an actor would do: bend down the head (already crying without tears) to press out some tears after a few seconds (while thinking of a sad moment in their life). This is what they do in Hollywood, and this is why people don't recognize it as acting, because they get bombarded with that shit all day long. The mainstream media are the largest vessel of misinformation. Not only are the journalists bought (check out Coopers' paycheck, so yes...he is SO aware of all this and is guided by greed). These 'actors'? For most it's the same thing. Money. I think there might even be a chance they have something on them to make them cooperate. Jail time maybe? The thing is, when you think it can't get any does. Truth is stranger than fiction... Most people I know, even the ones who are otherwise still sleeping, would agree they don't believe the full 9/11 story. So I always ask: if you don't believe something like that, then how can you believe anything else...from the same Hollywood producers...Oh, and every terror attack and shooting also ALWAYS has at least one hero...Just like in the movies...

Wow thanks for your long reply. As a healthy sceptic nuchtere hollander regarding consipiracy theories, I believe we should not limit ourselves our critic to just the mainstream media and generally believed theories, but also to the alternative ones and the conspiracy theories.

In my opinion conspiracy theorists mainly focus their ciriticism on the mainstream theory/media and zoom in on odd things but then fail to provide a critical way of thinking in regard to their own theory.

I'm a bit of a truth seeker myself and to put it easily: I believe the theory that explains best the facts and emperical data that is avaiable.

Now regariding the florida shooting: We can either believe (in general) the story that is put out there by the media and every official channel out there, or we can believe in your story, that they are all actors and nobody got shot.

Now the mainstream believers should explain this:
1.Why is the Dad showing these weird emotions?
2.Why is the Mother acting like this?
3.Why would you take a selfie with the reporter after a massacre has just happened?
4.Why is there always a hero?

The conspiracy theorists on the other hand:
1.Who are the conspirers? I mean it's an ongoing debate whether guns should be banned, so what party is unanimous and powerful enough to pull this off?
2.These 'actors' that died are part of a community, did they also invent this community just for the sake of this? See this:
Now is Facebook also in on this and all these people connected via Facebook?

Seems the burden of proof for the mainstream is a little easier than the one for the alternative theory don't you think?

Of course, the burden for proof is a bit easier for the mainstream than for truthers...That's why so many people believe it. If it was easy to prove, we'd have a major revolution going on right now. And to be entirely honest, I don't know exactly how they get away with things, like these facebook pages etc. Sometimes they are just set up before the events happen, that's usually a dead giveaway. Sometimes they seem legit. I really can't tell you. All I know is that the people behind this (and yes, I would have a clue to who those people are, they're all connected) have power, money and resources. People can be bought, or blackmailed...I remember watching Prison Break and thinking that things like that are actually very similar to how these people would do things, but of course, because it's 'out there' people don't believe it. However, sometimes one can be lucky. With the Manchester concert attack for instance, there was a video that in my opinion (and with me many others) proved that this was all set up and filmed with actors. I even believe that the video was filmed by one of the crisis actors. It shows bleeding/hurt people (but only parts of them) on the ground, while people are casually standing by chatting with each other, no one helping any 'wounded'. I managed to make a copy of that video....Only 10 minutes later, the video was removed. Why? Oh, and how do you explain this one? No one seems upset here...

Oh, and how do you explain this one? No one seems upset here...

It's probably the Russians hacking into CNN and uploading these fake interviews in an effort to spread fear and confusion among the American citizens. This way they fuel the conspiracy theories and the belief that guns are not the problem. So they let the Americans keep their guns and keep spreading fear and confusion until in the end Americans murder each other out and Russia will finally rule the world.

You see it's always the russians...

According to mainstream media it is yes...But I'm pretty sure that Russia's Putin is a puppet just like most other country's leaders...Controlled opposition. And CNN are among the worst for 'news' value. FOX, CNN, ABC, BBC, RTE, RTL it doesn't really matter who you listen to. They're all one big pile of crap. CNN is owned by Turner, Fox by 20th century Fox. And then when you think there's one you can trust, like National Geographic for instance...think again, also 20th century fox...These guys are all movie companies. You're making jokes, but I don't, I take this quite seriously. Like I said, I have indisputable proof that the Ariana Grande concert was a hoax. And there is so much more. But there are still too many people who just won't see it. Simply because the truth will blow them away. Sometimes it's just easier not to see it I guess.

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