What I Learned about the Police State this Summer - Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I was recently asked if I "read novels." Pretty condescending stuff from someone who has never read Blood Meridian even once or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance enough times to completely understand it. Who hadn't read Galapagos or Cat's Cradle with twenty years in between reads. Who thinks the character Jora in Game of Thrones is still motivated by sexual lust for Daenarys in season 7.

In a way it's like being called to the carpet, then getting no chance to present a huge dissertation on one of the primary questions ones life has been about, just in time to see the person who asked the question smugly move on because to them it was only a drive-by point-scoring quip.

The truth is I got stuck reading novels because my own life was in almost every case more interesting. And the ones which were interesting enough like the works of Neil Stephenson, Chuck Pahlanuik, Phillip K. Dick, and David Foster Wallace, only made me realize by reading them that by spending time reading them I was ignoring the fact that my very own life was just, if not more, interesting than that of the characters. I stopped wondering about the characters and started wondering where I fit in, which side I was on. The world I'm actually living in also actually became more mysterious and fascinating. I was going on my own adventures.

Many years ago I ran across an obscure musician, MC Paul Barman, who introduced me to an idea in a rap that I haven't been able to shake. So you sit down to write a novel and you think, what if this guy built a spaceship? In the time it would take to write that novel in 5 years, you might actually be able to build a spaceship. The same for a novel about a musician or actor, you could just be a musician and probably also an actor. It's just the one thing you're not going to have time for is reading and writing novels, especially not those less interesting than what you've got going on that day.

I decided over ten years ago that I was going to live every idea I had for a novel that could be done with existing technology and resources. I think I've done a pretty great fucking job of it. I have pushed the envelope of every restriction of my life, tested every boundary that was within reach(and within a certain threshold of safety). I have actually done the things that I fantasized about, I don't have many 'what if's'. The way to know if you've really been trying is if you have hit rock bottom in some way, had 0 dollars left, been homeless, gone to prison or rehab, or maybe something great happened to you like you got into a major comedy festival or achieved financial independence for yourself somehow. If you wanted to get started down a path like this, all you have to do is write down the 100 questions you would most like to have an answer to, then go find those answers. Rinse, repeat. (Thank DaVinci for this technique not me, but I can attest the exercise(lol) is extremely rewarding)

Because when you test boundaries, sometimes you find they are actually there.

"Believing I had supernatural powers, I ran into a brick wall."- Paul Simon

Sometimes you just get to see other people running into the brick wall and realize yikes, I don't want to be them. Then, if you take the time to watch the gates long enough, you see someone let through and you learn why they were let through while you weren't. You start to wonder if you want to hang out with these people. You start to ask questions about what else is going on. You may take a peak over the top of the wall, get a glimpse of what life is like on the inside. I did this and it changed me forever, made me completely alter my goals in life. Maybe you start building your own walls to keep all of those people even further away from yourself. Maybe you start lobbing giant water balloons filled with dog piss over their wall, they are the people responsible for making the world this way after all so why bother helping them maintain the illusion that they are separate from the results of all their predatory heirchical mystery bullshit?

The two boundaries I have primarily tested have been psychedelic and artistic in nature. What I have encountered at the edge of those boundaries terrifies me and makes me question nearly everything in my entire life, and everything I thought my country, the vaunted USA, was about.

It made me realize that things are much further progressed than anyone in the American public or mass media is talking about. The less we talk about it, the more normal it becomes, and I refuse to allow it to become normal.

I now know for certain that government and/or privatesec agents have befriended me, had sex with me, and given me drugs with the intention of gathering information and entrapping me into crimes. They have demonstrated they have read everything I have posted as Mindhawk and on any of the major platforms(gorgle and faceblok), and well-confirmed that they can track me at all times probably by my phone but apparently even when it's off. (My car was stolen in a mugging and it was returned to me the next day, which I hear doesn't happen very often, just saying)

I have learned that all public places one might find while traveling, from Wal Mart Parking lots to international festival campgrounds, are crawling with teams of undercover agents aggressively using access to troves of data and real time radio communication with command centers to set up individuals for infiltration of their social groups, general nosy government inquisitions, custom stings, and/or outright entrapment situations. As a single male traveling alone this summer, I had several dozen interactions that gave me the repeated impression that they thought I was someone who might just commit a kidnapping or assault if the right opportunity presented itself.

Since I had no choice to encounter them, I decided early on that I would surveil them just as much as they surveilled me and that what I learned would be made public forever. I do not think I fit the profile of a kidnapper and I have never considered kidnapping and had no intention of kidnapping. I'm not sexually attracted to kids and even on my worst day of being broke have not considered even robbing a convenience store much less getting involved with some darknet ransom scheme. I think sometimes they know this, that it's a form of harassment. At some point after reading all my stuff online about how their work as domestic spies is unconstitutional and sick in the head, they just say, 'let's give this guy the works.'

From that point on, all the agents try to be your close friend until one of them pulls it off. When you are in their zone of operations, they say 'who can we dress up like from this person's life to fuck with their head as much as possible while we set up a trap for them' or conversely 'what is this person looking for that we can pretend to give them?'

The scariest part though is when they drug you. You realize that they knew you would be at that location, prepared a chemical, rubbed it all over something they intended to give you. And then the rest of the night followed you, tried to see if this drug would make you more likely to do something that would let them take you into custody and silence you.

So this goes out to all political dissidents in the United States, you've got to be extra careful in general. If you are careless and bump into one of these setups, they will make you a sex offender for life if you so much as touch one of them.

The tools they have at their disposal:
-a main fusion center where there are all kinds of spooks with access to all databases about you
-psych profilers to determine what crimes you might commit and how best to best stress you, or entice you
-mobile command centers in vans, RV's, old buses
-earpieces listen to the command center
-hired models of nearly all ages or teenage parolees to accompany adult agents
-drugs that make you anxious, compliant, uncoordinated and unable to lie either offered as something you might want, in a drink, or on something they give you
-contact lense augmented reality
-thermal, infared
-near infinite array of car models
-android 2-3 year olds(yes, robotic bait children)
-bluetooth devices they might want to trade or give you
-text message to click on a link that looks like it's from your provider but its to tracking malware
-they think anything you have ever watched on pornography is something you might actually do, i.e. bdsm, van porn etc.

I personally do not believe the use of bait children is ethical, many do not believe this is happening but I have seen it dozens of times with my own eyes this summer. I was at a campground and this girl was in a car next to mine for 10 minutes unsupervised, all of the adults had disappeared as if on queue. I was in a grocery store and two girls less than 5 years old without parents walked right in front of me saying they were 'looking for candy.' I was at a state park next to an RV campground and an obese woman came out within 10 minutes of me being there and stood far away from me while a 2 year old in a fancy ballroom dress, at 10am in the morning, played near my car.

But then I'll be in a Wal Mart parking lot and a guy in his twenties will park directly behind me and go inside leaving his car window rolled down, baiting me to get in the backseat and try to carjack him or something. I was at a food pantry and a really hot woman I would actually be interested in came in while I was there, and then left exactly when I did, making sure she was getting in her car exactly when I was so that I could have accosted her or easily followed her vehicle. I was at a campground and a 16 year old girl in a bikini asked me to help her with her campstove while she was alone at night. Someone with the gestalt of a hated former coworker had a 15 minute phone conversation with her back turned to my driver's side door. A couple with the general appearance of an ex-girlfriend camped within 10 feet of me at a festival within 15 minutes of my arrival, stationed their bikes parallel with my tent, and told me his name was that of her now husband.

Dozens of encounters like this between June 1st and October 1. Dozens.

They treat you like a criminal inside a puzzle, they are just trying to unlock the puzzle to make you a criminal. If you are on their list. You get on their list by demonstrating any actual capacity to oppose them, so I am flattered in a way. In a country where the gatekeepers prevent any such person from getting published and earning money from their writing, and everyone else is too afraid of the same treatment to engage on any actual topic of significance, this is at least some form of recognition.

We've all been wondering what would happen once you were on a list, well this is it. Repeated nuisance insulting entrapment gambits that also act as information gathering operations and political intimidation. As a radical, I must be isolated and destabilized until they can one day get me in custody. (see stratfor leaks from global intelligence files, this is actual procedure)

(this btw makes me actually a permanent namefag(someone who is not part of anon, and plays a role in society that is inherently public and tied to their identity, in my case, writer, comedian, musician). I don't see any way with the resources I have that I could have any confidence of privacy, ever. Even with the mindhawk pseudonym, I know they know exactly who I am as they have used specific aspects on my posts to set up aspects of their social engineering. So in a way if you can link my mindhawk name to my actual homepage, that means you're one of them or know something I don't about what I have posted.

I fear they have other intentions for me. If the government has given you drugs, you are in MKUltra, or whatever they are calling it now. It was only publicized that it existed, it was never actually stopped.)

They tell themselves they aren't the secret police, or thought police, but they very much are. They've even made a TV show to help convince the kids involved they are the good guys, have you seen KC Undercover? (think Saved by the Bell but where all of the main characters are part of a secret 'agency' whose actual work is only discussed in abstract terms)

I wouldn't mind this attention quite so much if they were capable at all of capturing and prosecuting any of the high profile child abusers revealed through pizzagate, or which are simply public knowledge like Epstein's Island. Or following through on my own investigation(which is really just an accumulation of an astounding array of publicly available information) into the apparently corrupt child protective services in Arizona.

(BTW My motivation to research such matters was given a boost when I realized that due to their investigation of me ipso facto they have to read everything I write about the actual elite pedo network!)

I keep prevaricating, I intend to get to the story of my best friend who turned out to be an agent. How I put it together, and what it implies about the depth of their operations against people like me. Once I figured that out, it revealed a domino chain of other agents that had been close to me going back to my first experiences being an activist against the drug war and writing on the internet.

I have been under surveillance, studied, for a long, long while. They have had people close to me, obstructing me, setting me up for things, for a long while. My files, held by both law enforcement, privatesec and foreign spy services, notably China, Russia and Israel, must be volumous. I may be one of the most surveilled people in the history of the world. This will all be ingested by the singularity any day now, or it, I, already have been, for better or worse. Publicity is the only way I can even consider safety at this point, but publicity of the tactics which they are obviously trying to keep secret is what will anger them the most. I have to be a writer and performer and I don't know how to do this if I'm anon, this is a decision I made a long time ago and I knew there would at some point be no going back.

They have the ability to kidnap you secretly and they know enough about you to torture you in the most painful emotional ways. They control all of the significant financial gatekeepers in American society. They will help debt collectors find you and prevent investors from ever investing in you. They will tell other countries to not let you in because you are dangerous. I can barely afford to eat and they have spent at least a hundred thousand dollars just watching me, can I be weirded out yet?

Do you see the invisible prison? Do you see yet the nature of our rulers reflected through the world they are enforcing?

This is the nature of the United States, this is what it has become. Words mean nothing, law means nothing, if you aren't on board with their agenda of permanent war and ultimate bullshit, they are coming for you they just haven't figured out quite how yet.

I don't need upvotes nearly as much as I need help.

In my next post I will write about how two people I thought were really good new close friends turned out to be constructed personas to surveil and socially engineer as much of my life as possible. If you know someone who is only available by text once a week, only wants to video chat on google or talk on the phone, refuses to discuss 9/11 or the police state, wants to go with you to festivals, reveals very little of themselves while asking a lot, seems to disappear for long periods of time and maintains a thin persona that seems kind of forced, well....


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If you have done an investigation into the horrors of CPS / Social Services, please share with us and use the tag #familyprotection to make sure that it will get the eyes on it that it needs.

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.


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