Is Rule by Mafia the Permanent Future of HumanitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

On Bill Maher the other night, panelist David French, defending the absurd, gullible worldview of Trump voters, went unchallenged suggesting 50% of 'democratic' voters belief that the George W. Bush administration was a co-committer of 9/11 is equally delusional.
I can just hear Bill Maher's voice saying 'Enough with the 9/11 and the conspiracies! It's not productive!''
I admit I have a ton of difficulty even understanding this viewpoint, much less sympathizing with it. It looks like a paradigmatic case of willful ignorance and herd mentality. It is like watching people sleepwalking, or under a spell in a cartoon.
Since 1963, it has been disallowed to say in public without harsh ridicule, and some sense of fear, that there was a conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy. Mountains of evidence of bizarre anomalies among law enforcement and other officials on the day of the event were laughed off. Everything about alleged lone gunman Oswald suggested something more was going on with this guy, repeated proximity and encounters to known American government operatives. All laughed off while they hid a mountain of evidence saying that it would hurt 'National Security' if it got out.
As someone who first quietly, then more loudly believed there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, despite the fact that some of my most trusted public thinkers like Noam Chomsky were among those laughing, I am astounded at the mendacity of American press and culture now that it has been revealed that my side was correct all along.
On the day it became uncontested fact that Oswald was involved with the CIA, the only media that carried the story was the least reputable tabloid in the country, the National Enquirer.
This fact is not for the tabloids, this fact should be written in sun-blocking banners and dragged by the slowest airplanes over every metro area in the country.
Oswald was a CIA asset.
There was a conspiracy.
The entire American media establishment was absolutely, incontrovertibly incorrect for 50 years about the most important question in American history, how could our President get shot if we are the most powerful country in the world with unlimited money to put towards the purpose of his safety?
They were told and believed, nearly at gunpoint, that the documents were withheld to protect national security but they were actually protecting their own reputation as a legitimate source of information and the ability of unaccountable spy agencies to take over American civic culture in order to spread more lies and start more pointless wars, potentially bankrupting the entire United States or starting a final nuclear war.
Oh, and making our society a brutal, classist totalitarian shitshow based upon absurd, catastrophic cliches, like 'national security' and 'supply side economics' and 'pre-emptive war' and 'low intensity conflict', just like our alleged greatest enemies, China and Russia. And turned into marionettes of Zionist jewish people who send poor kids from Alabama to act as human mine detectors across the entire middle east to aid their war of aggressive expansion.
And this is done in the name of preventing another World War II, another "Holocaust[tm]." Off this one lie, the United States has become a monstrous, suicidal, absurd, gullible, global aggressor at the expense of preying upon its own people and spending our blood like it's a credit card account. Our institutions, alleged to be for Truth and Justice, are just shams covering a dizzying array of mafia activity that kills anyone who writes accurately about its activities. All the suits and pantsuits on K Street, at Harvard and MIT, Stanford, all of the history and law departments, all of the journalism schools, are unmasked today as complete failures. Only those who called this right have any leg to stand on. The rest are just patsies themselves, it could take years to list all of the other lies they are probably telling so why bother even listening to anything they say at all, much less pay them for it?

I've been treating the major 24 hour news channels like basically a form of mental plague for maybe 10 years now, so for me this is a great day of jubilation. Because I have an open mind I considered what I would do if the documents came out and how that might change my way of thinking. I have more reason to fear redactions or fabrications, but against such a mountain of well known facts already in play, and such a singular truth recorded in hundreds of places, I was actually pretty hopeful this would seal the truth. And with that in hand, we could watch the reactions to the division bell, see the gullible and willfully ignorant shrink away, and maybe, just maybe tilt the scales back toward rationality. And yes, win some arguments.

But then we get to see what people are really made of, I suspect it will turn out that what appear to be fears and doubts surrounding alleged conspiracy theories, is actually just the top of a huge stack of deeply programmed reasons to keep doing exactly what you're doing. Or maybe go full on apathetic, stop watching all news.

But then what would I have them do? With my army of formerly naive, now angry, 'reality' television spectators, casino patrons, professional wrestling fans and other subcultures that extinguish the thinking ability of humans to the point of near-zombiehood, what would we do?

Keep in mind of course that all the police, corporations, drug cartels, employers, mass media, and all of the 'stars' of those brain-shredding cultures are all firmly in the grip of the mafia that has been able to propagate the biggest lie in history for the last 50 years. And they have a history of killing anyone who is mildly inconvenient if they can't be hired to be a convenient idiot, or intimidated into silence.

This brings me back to my original question, is the future of humanity Rule by Mafia? Does the mafia allow us, humor usu, to have representatives and laws just so long as we allow them to operate by completely different sets of rules? That include the ability to kill any of us for any reason at any time?

And if there is just rule by Mafia, how can we even know the ultimate nationality of the ones that are ruling us? There could be a mafia war that we sub-humans don't even hear about that could drastically alter the course of our future even though we had nothing to do with it.

As a sub-human, one which on-the-books law actually applies to, in order to get through the day, you have to trust your 'national security' is in the hands of a shadowy, shifty, nameless, faceless entity that operates by totally opaque non-rules.

In any other context, shadowy, shifty, nameless, faceless guys you see in the parking lot who play by a different set of rules is the OPPOSITE of who any teenager would be taught by their parents to trust.

Yet this is how we are told, in the most backhanded manner, after decades of evading the question, our society must operate as the best of all possible worlds.

They killed a president fifty years ago in cold blood, utterly betraying and framing one of their very own, killed anyone who could have effectively questioned their secret, mocked and ruined anyone who attempted to even know the facts that pointed to their culpability, and perpetuated a huge lie with tremendous success until the year 2017, then they say 'trust us, we just need to take out Iran.'

Anyone trusting them now deserves what they get, except maybe the 18 year olds in rural areas whose history books won't change for another decade.

Anyone still feeling Patriotic? Anyone ready for a round of the National Anthem about the home of the free and brave? Is there anybody who wants to stand up and actually say, 'I think it is a great thing we are ruled by a mafia network of spies.' ?


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