Arizona Child Protective Services Appears Completely CorruptsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago
( stopped working all of a sudden 'network error' (16-9-2017

devani + at least one other

BAD GUYS (best i can tell at the moment)
david frodsham, 59, cochise jail 500k bond
randal bischak 25 active duty military intelligence and in base band? very difficult to find information on his case/incarceration
Samantha Osteraas - known to be insane, approved as foster and adoptive mother, beaten in prison so released early?
Greg McKay - lacks management experience, failed to investigate when investigator, then put in charge of agency despite lack of management experience
Doug Ducey - governor appointed greg mckay despite obvious ineptitude to top post protecting Arizona's children
doug nick - dcs spokesman says everything is peachy
francisco_javier_rioscovar rubias - unrelated case, where is he though? i want to make sure he is still off the street
joe arpaio ? he doesn't respond to child abuse in maricopa county, pardoned by president for ignoring numerous laws
john mccain - apparently indifferent to the mess, sits on armed services committee of u.s. congress

GOOD GUYS (best i can tell at the moment)
melissa diegel - parent who can't get kids back
Detective Thomas Ransford at (520) 452-7500 if you have information
Rep. Sally Gonzales Arizona State Representative - tried to pass bill to ensure department had qualified leader, laughed out of building
Morrison Institute - 3 year project involves bob ortega and mary jo pitzl, can no longer find project website? may be concluded? i didn't think so though
Navideh Forghani - tv reporter
derek jordan - reporter
david lohr @ huffpo
maria solis - grandmother affected by francesco

Deb Harper, formerly a program administrator at CPS;
Tracey Everitt, a program manager; Michelle Parker, a policy-program manager; and
Jana Leineweber, and Janet Sabol, both assistant program managers.
derek jordan reporter
david lohr @ huffpo
maria solis - mother


This represents more than a little research and risk taken upon myself, I have had some problems being followed/harassed by what appear to be private security services. I suspect that anyone looking into these things might be considered a suspect, but I have nothing to worry about on that front. I hope that law enforcement is on the right side of this issue and will welcome the light that citizens can shine that may give them the political power to do what needs to be done.

Civic responsibility requires citizens looking into the functioning of public offices, and making sure children who are at risk is a very high priority, we should not be intimidated from holding the authorities responsible for their actions.

There is, as many already know, a lot of evidence the American aristocracy has legalized some heinous activities for themselves, leaving a trail of victims beyond count. I refuse to live in a country where this is taken for granted without action, or where there is a class of people who are above the law. We may think we can escape their harassement if we bow our heads and let them do whatever they want, but in a land with no law, it's only a matter of time before all of us are affected anyway.

Wilful ignorance, ducking the difficult questions, is not going to make you safe.

Please look into this yourself, I intend to interview some of these people for my podcast as I continue to look into the matter. I really, really hope to find that I am reading something else into this that is not there, that the proper action is being taken.

Any further information, links, or first hand accounts related to any of this, please share. Hopefully this will become a valuable repository for ensuring this issue is resolved and maintaining a public record of the significant events in that process. I usually don't say schlocky things like this, but in this case I think it deserves to be said: This is for the children who are in homes where they are not safe, wishing someone would do something about it. Wish I could do more, I sure hope someone can.


You are brave to confront this head on. Good for you. Upvoted and followed.

I wouldn't count Sheriff Joe in with the bad guys. I used to write for the Maricopa County Deputy Sheriff's Assn's magazine and I interviewed him every three months (it was a quarterly). Joe has a big ego but his heart is in the right place.

Read his entire wikipedia article and then try to argue to me that he is not an actual living breathing nazi.

-prosecuting according to race
-targeting political opponents with harassment
-not innocent until proven guilty
-contempt of court

and also under his tenure no one responded to several thousand child abuse complaints and that was considered routine.

of course he isn't going to do his insane twisted stuff in front of you, and frequently the worst things you do are what you don't do. Like uphold the law.

and trump is a fascist too, and pardoned him so see how that works?

are you a fascist? do you think america should become fascist?

when you say things like your comment you really sound like you do, maybe you need to know that?

The only fascists in America are Antifa and the other collectivists. Grow up

troll, reported. muted. read the articles or stfu.

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