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RE: Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - The Education Scandal : The Wholesale Corruption Of Our Education System!

in #conspiracy7 years ago

So much dishonesty in the world. How do you know what and who to believe. The only person I can trust is me, and sometimes I question my decisions. I'm and old guy now and have learned somethings the hard way, which I try not to repeat. There should big jail time for public servants who are caught lying, like obama and his whole administration.


I agree that the politicians should go to jail, (Like in Iceland) but another hard lesson to learn, is the left and the right, want us to fight one another, once the get to the top, they are one in the same. All for themselves and they forget who they are serving........other than to line their pockets of our wealth

I completely concur my friend! UPvoted and followed! Where are the jail sentences... they are quite happy to send others to jail but not go themselves! Booo! 😡

We need more pitch forks in the streets for justice unfortunately.

Hahaha.... I'm inclined to agree with you... sadly! 😉

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