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RE: Alien Life, Does It Exist?

Thanks for sharing that! I skimmed through it to get an idea on what it is about until I have the chance to listen to the entire thing. What I have heard so far, that is incredible!! I will definitely be looking into this more. I actually haven't done much research into mars but I see that it is something that I should make a priority.


There is another documentary on Mars that is really interesting. I can't find it, but as soon as I have the time, I'll post a link. It show some amazing history....goes back to the Greek gods...One of them is the god of Mars, also a warring god who used lighting as a weapon. Very interesting, because some people believe that there was a cosmic war with the gods...I believe to be the fallen angels from the Bible. But, anyway, their is a huge cavern carved out by what some believe to be lighting....its as though Mars, attacked Mars with lighting, killing everyone.

Oh wow that is really cool too. I have heard a little bit about the war with Gods but I haven't started to look into that yet either. I have a bunch stuff I need to look into. I did see somewhere that the Egyptians had carved as if there Gods came from UFOs and their God was in Orion so a God from mars makes sense too.

Yes fascinating. Check out Genesis chapter 6. These are the "ancient gods." But Jesus defeated them. They no longer have power over this world anymore.

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