Channeling & "Extra Terrestrials"

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I just started getting into the subject of UFO's and "extra terrestrials" on my YouTube channel, most recently with the show "UFO's, Aliens & Channels: 'Disclosure' or Limited Hangout?" The topic of ET's seems to be all the rage these days in conspiracy circles and has broken even more into the public consciousness with the release of government footage of UFO's by Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy.

I was until somewhat recently a strong skeptic of the idea of extra terrestrials for a few reasons. For one, I don't believe in "outer space" in the same way as we learn about it in school, so I don't believe there are other planets like ours with humanoid beings that have traveled light years to visit us here on Earth. The concept of ET's is also very closely connected with "New Age" philosophy and there have been so many charlatans and shills within that movement that I was disinclined to put any credence in the ideas they were putting forward. Finally, my faith, much of which comes from the Bible and the words of Christ, also conflicted with the idea of benevolent beings from other worlds being responsible for guiding humanity through our transition. In Christianity, God does that, or Christ.

Then I met someone who had had some experiences herself and challenged my beliefs. My first instinct was still to reject the idea of ET's out of hand, but I eventually opened myself up to it and started doing some research. The first breakthrough happened for me when I came across The Law of One: The Ra Material, which I encourage everyone to read. The book is a transcript of multiple "channeling" sessions where the "channel", a young woman, seemed to be speaking the words of an extra terrestrial (which I think of now as extra dimensional) being named Ra. You will have to read it yourself to make up your own mind, but I found it incredibly compelling and nearly impossible that it could be some kind of hoax or that the channel was coming up with all of the ideas presented simply from her imagination. And mostly I found that I connected with the material. There seemed to be something familiar about it.

One idea in particular struck a strong chord with me and may with you as well, particularly if you consider yourself a "lightworker", and that was the concept of "wanderers", which Ra describes as "6th density" beings which have come into our 3rd density plane to lift the vibrations of humanity to help with the transition into 4D. From the introduction to The Law of One:

They are usually service-oriented people, and, as would be predictable, they often have a great deal of difficulty fitting into the planetary vibrations of Earth. Often they have the feeling that they do not fit in or do not belong but at the same time, very often, these people are possessed of many gifts, in the arts, in teaching, or in the simple sharing of a cheerful and happy vibration, which certainly does not suggest the normal attitude of a simple malcontent.

After getting that introduction to the concept of channeling, I accidentally came across the YouTube channel of Deéte, who describes herself as "an awakened Ex- Mormon who now channels beings from other dimensions and brings important information to humanity." I actually came across her during my research on the Las Vegas mass shooting when someone forwarded a video of Deéte apparently channeling Stephen Paddock, the alleged lone gunman (deceased) who had fired from the Mandalay Bay hotel. She presented information which I hadn't seen anywhere else and which I once again couldn't believe was simply the product of her imagination. More importantly, through the course of my investigation and as the real facts started coming out about what happened in Las Vegas, I didn't find any contradictions between what Deéte brought forward and the evidence that eventually came out.

I have contacted Deéte and she has agreed to come on my show for an interview, so this is meant to give you an introduction to the idea of channeling, ET's and Deéte herself. Below is the most compelling video I've watched of hers channeling an ET, in this case a reptilian being called Xerxes. If you are skeptical or have always rejected the ideas of ET's or extra dimensional beings, I challenge you to keep an open mind as you watch and please tune in to her interview on my channel, which will be in the coming weeks.


I believe our veil is thinning.. that is why we are becoming more and more open to the idea of aliens and the ability to connect with them. What aliens are exactly still remains quite a mystery.. I tend to feel they are other higher-vibrational beings from higher dimensions. Their purpose? Maybe they too are created from Source (or God) and have been assisting us since biblical times? You could argue lots of scripture suggests this.

As humans raise their own vibrations, it becomes easier to connect with them energetically. The result is more answers to questions about our existence (and theirs). That is what we are seeing now and it's exciting! I think we will have more and more channelers like Deete and Abraham Hicks (who if you aren't familiar, I hope you look into her)coming out of the woodwork. It will become somewhat of a norm instead of an oddity... because we all have the ability!

I am glad, Nathan, that you have an open mind are expanding your interest .. there is a reason you are resonating with the idea of being a Lightworker. Many, many people are waking up to this feeling so you are certainly not alone. I am one of them!

yea we all are channelers and phyiscs u can do anything! i periodically spontaenously remote view things when im in a limbo state of my coincoiuness not entirely being in this realm.

If the earth is flat where do the aliens come from? Other flat planets?

Communication with the spirit world has a multi thousand year history, across all races and religions. Aliens = demons = angels = ghosts? What about Annunaki and gold?

Channeling Stephen Paddock, I’m not so sure. There is a photo of him gambling in Atlantic City a week after the massacre.

Earth does not necessarily HAVE to be flat.
All the evidence points only into the direction that the shape or nature of Earth is different than we are told.
It might also very well be that we just did not have the right idea or not enough brain capacity to truly understand it yet.
Not everything has to be black or white. There are many shades of gray. And many colors in a rainbow...

I don't necessarily buy that the guy in the picture is actually Stephen Paddock and, funny enough, Deéte isn't the only person on YouTube who claimed to have "contact" with him. There is another channel named Pamela Aaralyn that had extremely interesting things to say which also didn't end up conflicting with the information that came out.

As far as "aliens" coming from other planets, I just don't believe in that idea at all. I think anything we're making contact with is going to be inter-dimensional rather than something the flew here from some great distance. Thanks for keeping an open mind though.

Well, keep us posted as of when you are conducting your interview.
Have to admit that this is a huge stretch for me and very hard to believe.
But since your judgement usually is pretty good I am willing to keep an open mind even though this seems a bit too far out there with very little real world evidence to pass as credible 🙂

The last few years have been mind opening for so many people. Those of us wanting truth and peace are seeing the word differently now. Thanks for your guidance Nathan.

you have 2 believe in something 2 see if there just beings /us all things always have existed just our collective including myself where in a 3d state of self created disconnection from the majority of all that is!

Everything is energy and tuning in to other dimensions is like tuning into a radio. Frequency is all it is. Simple and inherent, when not distracted by indoctrination.

ETs are the fallen angels or Nephilim if you prefer.

I'm interested to see your interview with this Channel and I am very intrigued as to what her video with the Vegas shooter reveals! Looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole this evening lol.

lol u ppl sure seem 2 getoff on rabbit holes alot furfags

There is much to learn in this multiverse, so it is wise to be open to new potential.

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