The Economist's World in 2018 cover. And this quote as New Year Resolution: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality, but by building new models"

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

The Economist is owned by some of the most powerful families in the World: Rothschild, Agnelli, Cadbury, Schroder. Absolute insiders within "Illuminati" circles. No wonder the Economist "World in 201X" covers are always so accurate in predicting the future.
The World in 2018 cover was released a few months back and already some of the main themes are coming into play.

Let's take a closer look:
image source:

I'll skip anything I can't decipher or I feel is of little significance.
I'll also take into account the articles and the videos on the Economist's site which cover some, but not all of the themes in this year's cover.


This refers to "Climate Change". We'll see a few more of these climate events (Floods, Draughts, Hurricanes etc) and reported in apocalyptic manner by the Media. The final objective is to bring out Geoengineering as the solution. After 20 years of clandestine geoengineering tests (chemtrails etc) they want to make it legal to control the weather, and maybe even have it mandated globally by the UN. They'll claim it is to save the World, but it will only be to increase profits for agricultural giants like Monsanto.

The Purple Cat with bow tie, The Camera, The Child

More revelations regarding pedophilia within the Movie and Music Industry.
The Purple Cat with Bow Tie (Butterfly) is symbology for Monarch/MK Ultra sex slaves.

The EU and the Pensioners

The EU without a star confirms Brexit is happening.
The ageing population of Europe means pensioners will have increased power, especially in the Ballot box.
This will hold back change.

Swinging Pendulum

They show that the pendulum has currently swung to the Right, but seems they expect a swing to the Left next. Maybe reference to the situation in the UK where Jeremy Corbyn is set to win the next elections.

Boat with migrants

Not sure if they expect the mass migration from Africa to continue, but as there's a ballot box next to it is probably just to indicate it will have big impact on the Elections. In Austria already Immigration was the decisive issue, and in Italy could be the same too.

Orange bag

An Easter Egg in many fake terror attacks. We'll see it there standing once more (even after being run over by a car lol) in some other event.
Orange is 33 in Numerology.

Orange Headset

The rise and rise of gaming/e-sports. The Orange (33) indicates masonic/illuminati activity.
The gaming community is oblivious to the Terror & propaganda aired on the News, so they'd have to be reached in their alternate virtual world to be scared, controlled and divided like the rest of the population.
It could be a fake terror attack at an e-sport event or some staged controversy ala Gamergate. Something to push New World Order agendas among gamers.

The Pink Bicycle

This is clear reference to the Giro D'italia (famous for the Pink jersey).
It will start this year in Israel!!! FalseFlag to inflame the Israel/Palestine situation very likely.
Note: they've put it at the centre of their plans.


This is the arrival of 5G. You'll find lots of conspiracy videos on 5G...there may be some truth to them though I haven't researched the subject myself.

Unlocked Phone

Another Hacking scare like Wannacry, or maybe Governments demanding end to encryption? Or both.
Cyber Insurance is tipped to become a big industry. They'll stage a few Hacking scares to push consumers to sign up for Cyber Insurance. Just as I write this the Spectre/Meltdown crisis is unfolding.


This was already in last year's Cover. They maybe postponed it to this year instead.
Could be the grand finale of the Comet Pizza PsyOp? or a literal Comet near miss scare.
P.S.: Don't get me wrong, Pedophilia among the Ruling Elites is very real and we get confirmation of that everyday with arrests among politicians, governors, judges etc....but that Comet Pizzagate thing in my opinion is a PsyOp to push the fakenews and censorship agendas.

Skiis and mountains

Alpine Winter Olympics in South Korea, with the usual tension with North Korea.

Tanks, Rocket, Jet, a Nuke,

War is always on the cards.
"Rocket Man" Kim Jong Un will keep playing his boogeyman role.
What I find interesting is the Tank pointing at the Crown. The UK Royals under attack? Prince Charles to get more bad press? I think because of his letter from 1985 exposing US Jewish Oligarchs as those behind wars in the Middle-East.
Or simply the Crown on top of China's Xin Jinping head as he's effectively the King of China? And the Nuke is near China, and China is moving tanks to its borders.

Mosquito and black lines in Africa

Zika virus or some other disease spreading in Africa.

The Abrahamic religions

Christianity, Islam, Judaism all together and seen as Evil (all red icons on this cover have a negative connotation)
Still being used to justify wars, as seen in the Middle East.


It's the New Age religion of the Chakras. Dandelion is symbology for the opening of the "Third Eye".
I believe "Spirituality" is being pushed to fill the void left by the Abrahamic religions, as the Ruling Elites still need the masses to be controlled by some belief system that sets them towards docile harmless moral behaviour.

Putin Bridge

Dictator Putin will be "re-elected" and Russia will complete the Crimea bridge in 2018

Industries and excavations.

More pollution from manufacturing industries (and unfortunately Coal is still being used) and land devastation for mineral extraction.
Pollution and environmental protection should be the real reasons to go green! Not "Climate Change".
Though some green technologies (electric cars, solar panels, wind farms etc) also require mining for minerals and manufacturing....

Several Landmarks

flashpoints for important events on the World Stage:
London , White House, Kremlin, Paris, Egypt,Japan, Costarica (or Colombia)
Japan in red seen as evil as they are abandoning their non belligerent policy, and will start getting involved in some war.

Science and technology:

Robots, rise of electric cars,Internet of Things, DNA breakthroughs and more (fake) Space exploration.


It is right at the bottom. Meaning Britain losing influence? It is still there on the World Stage....only just.

Trump, Xi Junping, Kim Jong Un, Narendra Modi, Macron, Merkel, Putin.

The main actors on the World Stage.
Hegelian dialectic (nationalism/globalism) between Trump and Macron, though in reality they are on the same page.

What I can't decipher:

The Pink Graph: The Market? some lines up , some lower. maybe to indicate there will be winners & losers? explains why there's also happy and sad faces (Duality).
The Green Pillar: masonic clue? Also could be an hint for York which has a lone standing Pillar in front of the Cathedral.
The Green Guitar : Ed Sheeran? Music for Peace?
The White Fish: White Christians? or simply some problem with Fish?

This year's cover wasn't as cryptic as some previous ones. It mostly touches on trends which any analyst could see coming. Not much of that inside knowledge this time.


I spent most of 2017 here on Steemit exposing Conspiracies and expressing my dissent for the New World Order Tyranny. I think my earlier posts prove there is a Conspiracy, the question is what we can do about it?
In 2018 I wish to make Fuller's quote mine.
I want to spend less time focusing on what the "Illuminati"(aka Freemasons) are doing, and more on what I & We can do to make this World better. With the paradigm shift in technology there will be chances of taking power away from the current power structures. Ultimately what I'd like to see is each person being able to live the life they want and choose, without any rulers forcing anything on anyone. With the technologies we have today this is indeed possible. Though we also know that these technologies could either liberate humanity or completely enslave it. It's on us to make the best of them.
Belated wishes for a great 2018!


My comment on the Dandelion was misguided. The rise of "Spirituality" could simply be the natural consequence of free information circulating on the internet, and not necessarily something planned or pushed by the Ruling Elites. Infact the useful spiritual teachings have always been ignored and suppressed by the mainstream so far, though they're growing in popularity through the internet.
There is some bogus superstitious "spirituality" out there, but also a lot of useful and positive ancient wisdoms focusing on life energies which are indeed empowering and have foundation in phisiology.

Yeah, I watch alot of videos of alternative conspiracies and why things do not make sense when explained by the media an government, simply out right lies, why do you need to lie to your people? Fear is what hold people back and that is what they use to control the masses.

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