Quick DECODE of the Barcelona Terror Hoax. Freemasons celebrating 300th Anniversary. Homage to the Knights Templar.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Image: Daily Mail Online


At 17:00 on the 17th of August 2017 some muslim "terrorist" driving a van "kills people". Usual fake terror story.
All about the 300th anniversary of (modern) Freemasonry, founding year 1717.

The Daily Mail reports "THIRTEEN " dead in capital letters because of its (occult) significance.
"13 dead" = 13 highest degree of the York Rite, the Jesuit branch of Freemasonry which includes the Order of Malta and the (fake) Knights Templar as 13th degree.
13 significant number for the Templars relating to the date they was attacked and persecuted by the King of France and the Pope.

Barcelona was an important operational centre for the Templars, and some of their chapels and palaces still stand today within close distance of Las Ramblas (where the supposed terror attack took place).
Freemasons (especially those from the York Rite) bogusly claim to be the successors of the Knights Templar, so a PsyOp in Barcelona with 13 as key number can be seen as an homage to the Templars.

"64 injured" just a number to add to the 13 and have a total of 77 which is Divide Et Impera in Numerology and Aleister Crowley's magick number and "law of the strong" (from Book 77 = Liber Oz). More on the number 77 in this older post:

While the Knights Templar kept the Muslims out of Europe, the Freemasons instead import them here en masse and get us europeans and muslims at each others throats so they can introduce tyrannical laws to restore order...The New World Order .


casualties reported on the day the news broke: 13 dead, 64 injured
final casualties numbers reported a few days later: 14 dead, 130 injured.
14 is 7+7. so you still have the 77 and 13 coded.

13 may also relate to the 13 moons Calendar.
Lunar phases have always been important to the Mystery Schools and Ancient Peoples.
That may be another reason why the York Rite has 13 degrees.

In addition there's the 13 bloodlines of the "Illuminati" theory.
13 aristocratic & royal families are said to rule the world through the Council of 13.
We've seen the significance of bloodlines in the USA where so many of the presidents and top political/military figures are all related to each other and descend from european royalty/aristocracy.
During the Crusades all the aristocratic families across Europe sent their 2nd and 3rd borns to join the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights and the Knights of Malta.
The aristocratic families across Europe were therefore all united in these Papal Knighthoods.
Even after the disbanding of the Knights Templar and the end of the Crusades, the Aristorcracy continued working together under the banner of Freemasonry and in the few Knighthoods which are active to this day (Knights of Malta).
The forming of the Knights Templar may have been the first time when the various aristocratic families, which were usually at war with each other, started working together. Looks like they still work together to this day, not only against the "saracens" (continous wars in the Middle East), but also against the 99% to mantain their hold on power.

And here you have the 33 coded (most used number in terror hoaxes), the number of Illumination and highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
"Julia Monaco survived 3 terror attacks in 3 months", similar story as that of Mason Wells. Obviously statistically impossible to be present at 3 terror attacks in 3 months (not even 1 in a billion chance) but they write these stories to mock the sheeple who believe this crap, so the blame falls on the masses that can't think. It reinforces their belief that the masses are animals and should be governed as such by them

That's insane! I googled it and it was true! Unbelievable! I bet she's making it up.

These masons are really sick!
Apart from the masonic checkerboard (just a reminder of who owns the Police) check that licence plate :

1862! Date of the American civil war! Obviously reference to the events taking place in the US right now (and Freemasonry is behind it)....and HXG of course is 13 in Numerology.

This post has received a 2.13 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @lavater.

Are you serious!!? WTF?!

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