Iuliana Tudos "murder" looks like a masonic hoax. PsyOp to remove rough sleepers from London's parks?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Right off the bat: DUALITY coded with black/white stripes and the masonic VOW OF SILENCE with finger to the lips.
Behind her BEER (EE=33 reversed) and some deity or demon I can't recognize. The fake forensics and their tent with the Blue Lodge Freemasonry colours (blues/white).
Image Source: The Sun

The Daily Mail uses a different combination of the pictures but still with Occult coding:
ORANGE hair. Orange the only colour that is 33 in Numerology.
Image Source: Daily Mail

The "murderer" apparently an homeless man living in a tent. The suspect's tent with a bit of ORANGE on top.
Masonic Square&Compass like shapes (within the park, and the shape of Finsbury park itself)

Iuliana Tudos was called "Lilith" by her friends. Lilith the demon goddess from the Babylonian Talmud.
She worked at the Underworld in Camden.
Her friends superquick in setting up a Gofund Me "to pay for her funeral".
My guess is that she's left London. Maybe returning to Moscow or she'll go travelling somewhere.
All paid for by the gullible.

What would be the objective of such an hoax?
To raise the alarm that rough sleepers in London pose a security threat.
There is an increasing number of rough sleepers and tents popping up across London, especially in quiet spots like parks. Parks is where the Elites live and they don't want the homeless in their midst.
Most of the homeless are English people who can't get Social Housing, as most of it is reserved for ethnic "minorities", "asylum seekers" , or families with kids. There is also a rising number of migrant workers from Eastern Europe who resort to sleeping rough as London's rents are too expensive.
The Council now will have the excuse to step in and forcibly remove them, and maybe get the taxpayers to pay to house them all somewhere else.


It's great to see someone exposing the PSYOPS on Steemit. The occult symbolism is obvious in the article and of course, they'll continue to do whatever they can to place blame on the poverty stricken and homeless. It's hard for me to understand how so many people can fall for the hoaxes they've been promoting on mainstream media these last few years. This is one of the reasons why I do not watch television or read the newspapers; too much disinformation and propaganda!

Plenty of coincidences plus a good motive I'd say...
Upvoted and followed 😀

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