
This is what your CONGRESSional Representatives are supposed to do! You hired them to represent YOUR best interest, not major corporations... If THEY don't represent you, then why are they in office?

Most folks don't realize that Maritime Admiralty Commerce Law is the reason for the dissonance between what the majority of Humans in America want and what the ruling elite can do to force them into being 'corporate livestock' (aka 'persons', aka 'monsters', aka 'commodities lost at sea') which has no 'human' rights.

We don't have a democracy, nor a republic. In 1871, the 41st Congress of the United States of America submitted and ratified the 10 square mile area known as the District of Columbia (aka Washington D.C.) to become The United States of America INC. Therefore, we live in a corptocracy because the Government is operated like a Company since that moment in time. Americans votes don't matter, because all members are 'installed', not elected.

Unfortunately, since it's been almost 150 years since that happened, a lot of steps have been taken to ensure that status quo remains (because it's the same economic architecture we know for 'most 1st world countries' - Central Banks/Fiat Currency). Many forget how events like the forfeiture of the gold standard was so significant in 1933. That's by design. The great depression forced 'survival mode', so the propagation of 'good' education was strangled and re-instituted under the Department of Education, which sets the standard curriculum for all public schools in the nation going forward.

Nearly no one my age (30s) knows that the government doesn't recognize us as 'human beings', only as 'persons'(aka 'Your Strawman', aka the ALL CAPS NAME on your Birth Certificate, Drivers license, Bank statements, credit cards, etc.). From the time I was born, my birth certificate was created on a Bank bond in the Hospital (FYI - Hospitals are also Banks, no joke) and the language of the certificate (yours too, if you have one) disregards your father as your biological, and has your mother sign as an 'informant' giving you over to the state, so then it can send your original birth certificate to the Stock Market and be traded (depending upon the era you were born, the bond starts at different amounts - since I was born in the 80's, my bond was initially $50,000.00). Every registry and every transaction that can be traced back to 'your person' can be monetized into fiat currency, 9x over (e.g. I pay $1,000 on my American Express for something; the statement produced gets sent to the treasury and then they can print $10,000 US Dollars). This happens for each transaction throughout your lifetime within the commerce system, meaning the account tied to your person, through the treasury, is in the MILLIONS, if not BILLIONS of dollars (I shit you not - especially since each transaction is bonded, it can 'mature' - since I'm now over 30, the bonds in my name are maturing for many magnitudes greater a sum).

The US Government does it's damndest to make sure people don't learn of this and exercise their ability to 'own the security interest' of 'your person' (your ALL CAPS NAME). Once you show an ability to separate and use their own maritime system (UCC - uniform commercial code), you can leverage your own signature as a monetary instrument (for real, your signature is more valuable than the US Dollar - which says very clearly on it: "Federal Reserve NOTE" - which is a form of debt in and of itself).

'US Citizens' need to become 'American Nationals', like they all are in their heart; they just were never taught how to say it and how to use the power they weild.

A-bra-ca-da-bra - - - "I Create What I Speak"

I see this said quite a bit, especially in the freeman movement. Many of them were sent to prison. Not saying you are wrong, but could you show me where one finds the worth of their birth certificate. Someone here tried to show me a couple weeks ago but it is not on the website he claimed.

you can leverage your own signature as a monetary instrument (for real, your signature is more valuable than the US Dollar - which says very clearly on it: "Federal Reserve NOTE" - which is a form of debt in and of itself).

Have you actually leveraged, and if so what steps did you take to do so and whom did you submit it to?

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