Malaysia's Ex PM Stopped From Fleeing The Country - Now Australia Now Has A Lot Of Tough Questions To Answer Over Hitman Staying In Villawood Detention Centre!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

News leaked today that Malaysia's ex PM had been planning to flee the country but has now been barred from leaving by immigration. Najib Razak lost the general election three days ago in a stunning defeat surrounded by allegations of scandal, theft, murder and corruption. He denies these international allegations but in the face of growing displeasure he decided to leave for Indonesia.

Pity Najib posted about it on his facebook page! 😉

Malaysian immigration immediately barred him and his wife from leaving the country without giving a reason. An angry mob of Malaysian's turned up to make sure he wouldn't escape from the airport. Special forces were called in. I have seen Malaysian's deal with thieves before and it can turn scary.

Surely it is about the investigation that the new PM has promised Malaysians concerning the allegations of theft and murder. In all of this Australia now has to answer some uncomfortable questions about their engagement with Najib and the crimes he is accused of.

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The Malaysian Hitman Hiding In An Australian Detention Center

Sirul Azhar Umar has been in detained in Australia's infamous Villawood detention centre near Sydney for at least 3 years with an estimated cost to the Australian tax payer of $800,000.

Sirul was convicted of the murder of Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa and sentenced to death in Malaysia. This poor woman was shot and then blown up in the jungle. I turned up to some of those hearings and it was clear that these two hitmen were being used as scapegoats. On bail Sirul fled to Australia on a tourist visa and then detained when that had expired.

He has changed his mind several times about who he was working for but several times has hinted at revealing all for asylum in Australia. A significant amount of circumstantial evidence points to the fact that Sirul was working for those close to Najib or even Najib himself.

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Sirul the accused hitman.

Uncomfortable Questions For Australia

Here is where things get interesting and the tentacles of this conspiracy seem to reach into Australian government. A disturbing pattern of actions that seem to assist the previous Najib government of Malaysia. Here are some of the most glaring issues to the outside observer:

  • How was Sirul allowed to enter Australia as a tourist while he was on bail and death sentence in Malaysia? Australia is very strict about immigration. A young Indian person I recently met was not even allowed to transit between planes in Australia without a transit visa - he wasn't ever going through immigration!
  • Sirul was allowed to see journalists initially during his detention in Villawood but once it looked as if he was about to give tell all interviews referring to those much higher up in Malaysia than him. Journalist visits were stopped.
  • From within the heavily controlled Villawood center Sirul was able to obtain a mobile phone to record a message changing tact and denying Najib anything to do with it. He was not allowed to have a mobile phone. An investigation was promised by the authorities but I have heard nothing yet.
  • Interestingly Sirul's case was scheduled to conclude after Malaysia's recent general election not before but this may be purely circumstantial.
  • Sirul was informed that his application for a protection visa was likely to be rejected various grounds but the department of immigration also stated that had received “unfavourable information that does not support your application”. This information was snot disclosed to the public. What was this "information" and who did it come from.
  • Although journalists were not allowed to visit Sirul in Villawood he was visited and seeming manipulated while in detention by representatives of the Malaysian government and colleagues of Najib on numerous occasions. The most recent of which was undertaken two weeks ago by Khairul Anwar Rahmat who was the former head of Najib’s United Malay National party’s youth wing. Khairul flew to Sydney with the approval of Australia’s department of home affairs and was whisked to a private meeting with Sirul. This was just the latest of many visits from Najib's representatives.

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Why Would Australia Possibly Assist Nadjib?

All of this added up is very odd. It clearly implicates the Australian government in assisting Najib's government to intimidate and isolate a witness who had vital information for the Malaysian public to know. How culpable does this make the Australian government?

There are a few other reasons Najib's government was favored in Australia:

  • The initial theft of the 1MDB scandal which caused Najib's downfall was initially facilitated by Goldman Sachs. Australia's current PM is Malcolm Turnbull who was an ex partner at Goldman Sachs.
  • During the alleged theft hundreds of millions of dollars ended up in Najib's private accounts at AmBank in Kuala Lumpur. At the time AmBank was mostly owned and run by executives from ANZ bank in Australia. These executives are accused in being complicit in these money laundering transactions but have been allowed to move on and up with their careers.
  • Assisting Najib would give Australia blackmail abilities over the Najib government in Malaysia which could result in facilitating more theft or dodgy government contracts.
  • Some of the stolen money from the 1MDB scandal ended up in Australia and they will not be keen to hand it back.

All of this evidence seems circumstantial but I suggest that the Australian government and the Villawood detention centre have some serious explaining to do. With an investigation beginning in Malaysia lets see how global this conspiracy becomes!

More information on this subject can be found in this Guardian article.

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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