Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - A Roadmap For Discussion & Community Engagement!

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

I believe almost everything we have been told is distorted to reflect the interests of those peddling lies. After a lifetime of incredible travel and study I now wish to start quantifying those claims, delving deeper into the the various topics.

Once I have covered these subjects and built a logical foundation for my perspective we can journey to some extremely interesting places that rely on all the dots being connected. Essentially this will be a journey of discovery and we will need to work to achieve this knowledge.

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These are very important and interesting subjects that need to be discussed. I have studied these topics for years both practically and in theory. I am extremely happy to have Steemit as a forum to express this knowledge. I will not necessarily be doing all these posts in a particular order.

These are seriously heavy subjects but there are also light and beautiful parts of life which need to be tasted while these heavy topics are digested. Although I believe this knowledge is of the utmost importance and I can see by the upvotes that the Steemit community agrees, I want to be free to express the joy as well as the horror in my heart.

Dichotomy is all around us.

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The Inspiration For This Series

My initial post was tiled Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie - Let Me Liberate You My Steemit Family! =) and the Steemit community's response has inspired me to provide further details to document my claims.

I am writing this post to provide readers with a roadmap of where we are going on this fantastical journey and to let you know that I appreciate and respect all input.

Without a peaceful place where we can discuss anything openly and honestly, as one earthbound family we are in extreme danger. It is time for us to become aware! =)

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Subjects We Will Delve Into

On this fascinating journey towards truth I will be writing posts on the following topics:

  • Money : who owns the right to print and distribute it
  • Education : The Education Scamdal!
  • Legal Corruption : the phoney mechanisms that are used to bind us to law
  • Medical Corruption : various scams, how they are implemented and how this impacts on our finances and health
  • Media Corruption : how the media is used to perpetuate crimes
  • Corruption Of Our Food System : how our food system is being monopolised and how this impacts our finances and health

I will always try to close with further resources for study, suggestions for change and lots of love to All of you!

We need each other more than ever!

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Further Down The Rabbit Hole...

Further topics that I should cover are:

  • Secret Societies : who they are and how they are used to implement the control system?
  • Geopolitics : who runs these games and for who's benefit?
  • Government Secret Services : who are they and how they interlock?
  • The Criminal Underworld : how it interlocks with the rest of the system
  • The History Of Modern Warfare : as General Smedley Butler said it's just "a racket"
  • Symbology : it is all around us hidden in plain sight - what is the significance?
  • Esoteric Belief Systems : the strange way they are active in our earth
  • The Mechanisms Of Control : who uses them and why
  • The Destruction Of Our Indigenous Populations
  • The Depopulation Agenda
  • Exercises To Keep Your Mind Fit And Nimble

In truth I may not cover all these topics... I can see my anonymity on Steemit coming to an end soon as jockey and I may need to move these more interesting discussions to a different account! ;-)

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As you know I will always try to provide real world examples and look for solutions anywhere I can find them. I can see already that Steemit will be a recurring solution because the blockchain and open discussion are amazing foundations for all viable solutions.

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Punching Into The Next Post...

From the initial topics for discussion I think I will start with The Education Scamdal as it is the corruption of our education system that has a lot to answer for concerning our general ignorance today. I will probably end the series with a discussion of the corruption of our legal system as that can be one of the hardest to come to terms with.

I now begin writing The Education Scamdal immediately and look forward to hearing the communities input.

@samstonehill and I have a new regular podcast to accompany our @steemmasters teaching platform and if the community is really keen we can discuss some of these subjects during the podcasts.

As usual the Jockey loves you All! Get excited we are going to some strange and interesting destinations together! ;-)

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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Ever thought about running a talk radio show? Find me in Discord if you like.

Yes I used to have a radio show in Australia! I love talk radio! Sign me up mate! I will Discord you buddy! =)

Haha, you finally hit 70, congrats dude.

I'm looking forward to your upcomming posts!
Here, have a 100% upvote mate!

Great post - sorry I missed seeing it when you posted it, life wasn't going to plan - reply to this comment and I'll give you the upvote I would have done in the first place.

Your posts and knowledge are blowing my mind.

Hahaha... brilliant! Only just got back home after a long day of sun... Replied mate! Your comments are always appreciated! UPvoted with pleasure! Sent you a message! =)



Man, you got a lot of writing to do. Looking forward to it.

I love your write up. The government are bunch of thieves. They act supreme to the law. Everything is really a lie

They lie about health & medicine. They lie about food, and water. They lie about money. They lie in the media, they lie in the govern-minds. BUT..... NASA, they would never-ever-ever tell any lies about Space. We can all rest assured they've told the truth about space, (there maybeeee alieeens-woooo-wooo) ... somewhere in our meaningless galactic spinning vacuum space balls, just HAS to be true...................... right? Further investigation required!

HAH. That's the biggest lie of all. fake space. designed to make you feel like an spec of worthless dust, when in fact the nature of this reality itself is not what it seems. Do NOT believe the fake space lie, we are in a dimensional realm.... no space here.

I am delighted. Thank you for continuing to write.

I also think the same thing as you in terms of solutions. Blockchain and crypto I hope they are our best weapons to maintain our economic freedom. At the same time every penny that leaves the Fiat money system is a small battle won.

they could easily enslave you. The enemy is far far further ahead, and sophisticated than most think, or could even comprehend.

Great Idea, following this post, I'm currently doing a lot of research on chemtrails in Canada.

What in the world are they spraying? is a good start, and then WHY in the world are they spraying? Michael Murphy, YouTube em, if u haven't already ;)

WHY? They need a screen for the big show. The false flag alien invasion coming soon.

educational scandal is a very good topic especially in this country I am very furious with the situation that happened. I will wait for the next part @Jockey

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