Tired Of Everyone Around Me Believing The Bullshit

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

I'm getting tired.

Tired of everyone around me believing the shit they are fed via Facebook, BBC, ITV, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media manipulators. Tired of being labelled a conspiracy theorist for not just accepting what I am told and challenging things that don't make sense.

There's never a smoking gun and even when I point people to events in the past for which the smoking gun evidence was eventually found (Gulf of Tonkin / Operation Gladio / Operation Northwoods to name but a few) it doesn't make any difference, people just won't accept the possibility that their beloved government or state broadcaster could or would lie to them. It's too much and they will come up with all sorts of excuses to explain away inconsistencies or facts that challenge their beliefs.

I know all about cognitive dissonance as I suspect most people reading this do so I won't bother hyperlinking to the Wikipedia entry but it doesn't make it any less frustrating.

Take the recent "Terror" attack in Westminster London for example. As soon as it happened, programming was stopped on both BBC1 and ITV (the two main channels in the UK) to make way for live coverage of the event. I got home from work on the day of the event looking forward to watching "The Chase" on ITV to take my mind off what I believe to be the latest false flag, only to see helicopter footage of Westminster Bridge accompanied by the voice of whatever ex-intelligence officer ITV could find to take us through what had happened and how the "Terrorists would never win".

Switch over to BBC1 and I get the same thing. Pointless, endless coverage of a bridge accompanied by someone constantly drumming into my head what had happened. This went on for a couple of hours and by the time it was finished the official version of events had been established in the minds of the majority of Brainwashed Brits, and anyone who had any doubts would find them quickly alleviated when they read the front pages of every newspaper the following day. This is the plan.

On Thursday (the day after the attack) morning it was announced over the tannoy system in work that there would be a minutes silence at 09:33 (I found the time a bit odd and Masonic but I'm sure there is a good explanation as there always is) to remember those who had died in the attack, so when the time came I sat at my desk in silence but made the mistake of finishing a sentence using my keyboard. I didn't do it to make a point and thought nothing of it until later in the day when I was approached by a colleague who informed me that they were not happy with me because I had disrespected the memory of those who had died in the attack by making a noise with my keyboard during the prescribed minutes silence. This is the sort of shit I have to deal with. I could of course have replied to my irritated colleague that silence was not mandatory and that I thought the whole thing was a joke but I didn't, because it just isn't worth the hassle I would get afterwards from other colleagues who would have been even more outraged than the one who originally had a problem.

I cannot put into words how frustrating it is to be surrounded by people who dismiss me as a 'conspiracy theorist' without bothering to look into or verify anything I say and as each day goes by, and as I did deeper and deeper into the cesspit of lies most people consider their reality, it gets worse.

People are gradually waking up and I have noticed this happening even over the last 5-7 years since I started looking into this stuff and although it's encouraging, it's not happening fast enough and as far as I can see, all the elite scum who run this planet have to do to maintain their control, is ensure that they slow down the awakening process enough so that when a critical mass of people is reached any actions they might take would be futile due to the all encompassing surveillance/control grid that is in the process of being built.

This is why I think we are seeing the censorship we are seeing now in the form of book banning, Twitter and Facebook stealth banning and YouTube deliberately changing view counts or blocking videos (@wolvoman80 is one of many affected by this) of it's users and of course #fakenews.

Whenever I think about this stuff a particular Frank Zappa quote comes to mind.

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