Autism and aluminium: The din of silence

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

I was going through my RSS feeds this morning and came across an article that caught my attention.

I've long thought that there was a link between brain degenerative diseases such as Parkinsons/ Alzheimers and aluminium and have also suspected that there might be a link between aluminium and autism, but Professor Exley attempted to find an actual link and he appears to have done so.

I've been interested in this topic for a number of years now but I remember a particular incident that happened involving the actor Michael J Fox's foundation that really got my conspiracy senses tingling.

In 1998, Michael J Fox, who had been diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years earlier, founded the Michael J Fox Foundation to advance research into the disease. $50 million was put into a 5-year research project which involved collecting samples from people all over the world who had Parkinson's disease. In 2014, just before the samples were due to be analysed, somebody 'accidentally' left the freezer door open that was storing more than 25,000 biospecimen tubes, thereby destroying years of work and the potential discoveries that might have come from it.

Michael J Fox sued the Corielli Institute who had been paid $3.5 million in fees for storing the samples but this didn't change the fact that the samples could no longer be used and 5 years of work went down the drain.

I suspect that if the samples had been analysed they would have discovered that aluminium was present in a statistically significant number of them and this would have led to further investigation. I don't buy the 'left the door open excuse' personally.

I copy the article I linked at the top of the page below to save people having to open a new browser window but I hope that some of the more scientifically literate amongst us are able to read the actual study and leave their views in the comments section. This is an emotive subject that often attracts downvotes so I want to make it clear that although I personally think that there is a link between certain vaccines and autism as well as a link between aluminium and brain degenerative diseases I am also aware that it has not (yet) been proven without a doubt.

This subject although emotive is extremely important and the ramifications, should links be established are huge. The way that the authors of the study have been treated since publishing it should be enough to at least get people looking into the subject rather than dismissing the whole thing as a conspiracy theory.

Anyway, here's the article.

The links in the article can be followed below

our research


elucidating upon the potential dangers of the aluminium age

Thanks for reading


This is a very important subject @jimbobbill thanks for bringing it to us.
We need as much 'real news' as possible here on Steemit to combat the shite being peddled in the MSM.
Check the post I wrote yesterday mate I gave you a shout out regarding combating the fake news BS currently being broadcast to the masses.

Thanks for reading/commenting. I just read your post (thanks for the shoutout) and added the #nomorefakenews tag to this post immediately afterwards and will be doing the same for future posts.

No worries mate. Nice one.

Supporting real news authors is also important to avoid MSM censors taking over steem. Oops I left the fridge door open..

When one is unable to debate facts one resorts to tactics like we read about in the article. We see this happening everywhere, not just science.

It takes a very brave scientist to stand-up and not toe the scientific party line. If you want to be respected and have a good life do as your told and don't speak out. If you speak out we will go to great lengths to discredit you and make your life miserable. This is a simplification of course but it's true. Science has become consensus science rather than evidence based science and when the penalty for not consenting is as high as it most scientists choose to stay quiet.

How many times do people need to hear insider stories from scientists about the suppression of data, conflicted studies, threats, loss of tenure/career and mainstream media silence before people will realize that big pharma, bankers and other corporate interests own the education system, media and government?

Excellent post @jimbobbill

If you want to know how science and the education system was hijacked by corporate interests watch this video and follow @corbettreport

Thanks for the kind words. I wholeheartedly agree. You only have to mention the name "Andrew Wakefield" to realise what happens to people who speak out and he is just one of many. It still baffles me how more people don't see what is happening. Scientific consensus is/should be an oxymoron shouldn't it?

Scientific consensus is/should be an oxymoron shouldn't it?

Absolutely yet what do we hear everyday. Science agrees and 90% of scientists agree - as if that should mean something!

Telling the truth is like career suicide :(


Thank you for this post. I am autistic and have been studying this topic ever since I was diagnosed a few years ago at age 50. It appears to me from examining mountains of anecdotal evidence, that people with autism do not process vaccine and other toxins in the same way as the neurotypical. I've noticed this with myself. I am super sensitive to cleaning and personal hygiene product chemicals, and processed foods. When I eliminated those from my life, I experienced significant improvement with several disabling symptoms associated with autism. I have spoken to hundreds of others who have experienced the same thing. And look at the fact that the majority of autistic people suffer from digestion problems. I grew up believing that a trashed gut was normal.

They say autism is a genetic condition. What I think is that autistic children do not exhibit disabling symptoms until their highly refined nervous systems are poisoned with vaccines and/or other pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial chemicals. We ...for all practical purposes, are the canaries in the coal mine...

...Meaning I believe these toxins are harmful to everyone, but we, the autistic are often completely shut down, and sometimes killed by them . This would explain why children who appear "perfectly normal" suddenly "turn autistic" after the MMR vaccine. They were already autistic, just not disabled, since birth.

There are traits common among the autistic which are not negative, or a disorder ...for example, a higher than average IQ. I believe we ARE genetically "wired differently", but that it doesn't have to be a "disorder".

I'm new to Steemit, but I"m going to be writing about my experiences as a person with autism and what I have learned about it -- for those interested.

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply. I've always thought that autism was triggered by vaccines or some other unknown vector but your view that some people are born with it but symptoms become noticeable or more pronounced following vaccination or exposure to substances unknown is something I had not really considered. I am now following you and will be interested in reading your future posts where you state your position in more detail. Welcome to Steemit.

free energy is already available, but it isn't wanted to be known, by those that are petty and anonymous, those dark shadows are lost to the light and try and bring the darkness greater than their own upon those around them to maintain their positions of power.

that is why he is getting death threats and media silence.

once the onion has started to peel, it gets easier and easier to see the bullshit science they are pushing versus the real deal, the stuff backyard scientists find, then silenced.

This is a great inventor of our time, and you've probably never heard of him, Tom Ogle.. link he invented a 100 mpg fuel system, had it tested in public, had it bought up, then saw 'disappear' and all his future income lost.

this is one of literally hundreds of stories.

I also think free energy is already available but being suppressed as well as lots of other life changing information but I'm hoping a lot of it will come out in my lifetime for the sake of my children. You're right. I had not heard of Tom Ogle but what an interesting but sad story. I've read similar stories and remember reading one recently about a guy that invented a water powered bike or car (can't remember which). Thanks for reading and commenting.

i'd say the most life changing information is already here, that you are an infinite being of light, part of the whole that has been called many things, but is not opposed in anyway.

so in a very real way, we are all complicit in this nightmare. but I feel each one that wakes up and stops living in fear..

well to me that is what the hawaii bombing threat was all about. hawaii is incredibly happy place... probably causing problems for the evil (blind) world controllers. they require our consent, that is why they work so hard to convince us they are righteous.

feel safe, feel secure, there is no threat, there is no danger, your immortal soul has been here before, it will be here again.

then, from that perspective, work to make changes ; ) after that nothing else really matters

It's a very interesting article. Thank you for bringing this subject up. I have 3 kids, and I have definitely noticed a trend (and it's not a positive trend). Whatever doctors (at least in the US) recommend is typically either not going to work, or if it does, it's going to be harmful in some other way. Starting from constipation, to handling fevers, common colds, skin conditions - you name them! I have found alternative methods to pretty much every childhood illness - and that also tingles a conspiracy theorist in me :). Why are we steered so much away from natural remedies that seem to work so well? The answer is obvious, and it makes me sad :(.

Thanks for taking the time to read/comment. I agree with you & it makes me sad & angry. I think I read one of your posts earlier & enjoyed it but can't be sure (without looking at my upvote history). I'm following you now anyway so will look out for your future posts. Take it easy.

Thank you very much! I am following you now as well and I look forward to reading your posts :).


Dr Andrew Moulden


Aluminum is a coagulator or flocculant. Aluminum has a plus three electrical charge. All positive cations are “coagulators”, they cause particles with mass to come together, agglomerate, sediment, “sludge”. Aluminum has 84 times the capacity to cause agglomeration (sludging) as does Sodium (Na+), and element with a singular positive charge.

We use aluminum in water treatment plants, to cause “sludging”, agglomeration, and flocculation so that impurities in water sediment to the bottom of the water. We use aluminum in anti-antiperspirants since they cause “sludging” and blockage of the perspiration ducts in the arm pits. This same sludging is achieved in human tissue and blood flow from vaccinations with aluminum. The ischemic tissue attracts macrophages that attempt to “clean up” the damaged tissue as well as the sedimented aluminum. This causes an inflammatory response (or not). The aluminum cannot readily be removed from the tissue since the large positive charge (from Aluminum) derails the negative electrostatic carrying capacity of the blood where the aluminum has accumulated. The blood vessels, muscle, and fascia in the tissue area will be damaged from the on-going ischemia and the inability to remove aluminum from the area (an electrical charge problem). The macrophages and white blood cells will be called to this area to “clean up.” It is the act of the immune system chronically coming to this tissue area that perpetuate the problem and creates greater disease and the possibility for induction of an autoimmune response, or immunological tolerance through anergy or deletion.

Great work my friend, thank you for sharing!! I fear this will eventually become one of the greatest health travesties of our age. Indeed it's absolutely everywhere (including potentially the air), it's in vaccines, the food we consume and the water we drink, deodorants .. hell people are even cooking the Sunday roast in aluminium foil!

Thank you for bringing this important research to peoples attention @jimbobbill

First 18 months of life 4,926 mcg of aluminum
Not to mention all the other crap not wanted !

Aluminum toxicity is a widespread problem in all forms of life, including humans, animals, fish, plants and trees, and causes widespread degradation of the environment and health

Aluminum, the most abundant neurotoxic metal in our biosphere, has been implicated in the etiology of several neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD)

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