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RE: Democracy, Elections & Puppet Politicians: Round and Round we go on the Political Merry-Go-Round, Perpetuating Endless War & the Enslavement of Humanity

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Thanks, follow-up should be quite a bit shorter than this post was, but I might not get to it quite as quickly as i wanted to, as I've got lots of personal stuff going on including my dog just diagnosed with cancer & now going downhill kinda quickly so that's sucking up a good bit of my time & energy - also why I took so long to reply. My apologies. I agree with you on getting rid of electronic voting machines, and that there doesn't seem to be any candidates worth voting for nowadays, even the 3rd-party candidates are a joke these days... I think that without electronic machines, voting might make a difference at the local level but my overall feeling is that the entire system is just too corrupt at the top for even honest voting to make a difference, since they have so much money & power to choose the puppets set before us. I also strongly oppose the notion that at any point the majority of people ever have the right to vote the rights, liberties, money or property away from the minority, which is the foundation of democracy, which I reject.

I guess my overall feeling at this point is that politics is so hopelessly corrupt that even the best truly anti-establishment candidates are poisoned and corrupted the second they drink from the political glass. I've seen it with my own eyes, the best & most honest men being turned into two-faced politicians just as soon as they get their foot in the door of politics by winning an election. Just as I've seen firsthand how controlled opposition works, and how in my case a slick Jew came in and infiltrated our local Ron Paul group and despite the warnings by myself and many others who saw it coming the whole time, he walked out having completely took over the local Campaign for Liberty, now nothing more than just another neocon Republican activist organization stuck in the 2-party paradigm, and I believe this happened all across the country more-or-less, with the Campaign for Liberty nothing but the controlled opposition of the anti-establishment Freedom Movement ignited by the Ron Paul campaign in 2008.

Maybe it's got me a little unrealistically pessimistic at our chances of effectively fighting the establishment through politics. But at the same time even one major election in which a large chunk of society openly boycotted the elections could get the politicians re-considering their priorities :) I suppose I think that at this point the only way to put enough pressure on the system and the politicians to force them to change their ways or allow truly independent candidates is if the people boycott the polls & refuse to vote, as that would send a real message that the people have had enough of the same old wheel of hypocrisy & bullshit. You're totally right that without electronic machines it would at the least make it so much more obvious that they are rigged and might give the people a chance at getting some better people in office for sure. Enough to bring down the establishment though? In my mind doubtful, but maybe with enough pressure by the people. It always comes down to the people, we need enough people willing to act to make any form of resistance effective.


My reply is like three weeks late (I'm taking a break), so I'd say we're even ;)
And good luck with your dog!

"my overall feeling is that the entire system is just too corrupt at the top for even honest voting to make a difference, since they have so much money & power to choose the puppets set before us."

We have the internet and social media now, and people are really fed up with the establishment. For example, as you may know, Clinton and Trump were the most disliked presidential candidates in U.S. history, and Sanders even outraised Clinton in campaign funds. So I think if there were no electronic voting machines, and there were a truly anti-establishment candidate running for office, our chance of getting them elected would be quite good.

"I also strongly oppose the notion that at any point the majority of people ever have the right to vote the rights, liberties, money or property away from the minority, which is the foundation of democracy, which I reject."

I pretty much agree.

"I've seen it with my own eyes, the best & most honest men being turned into two-faced politicians just as soon as they get their foot in the door of politics by winning an election."

But surely you understand that it doesn't always have to play out like that. And maybe the people you're talking about were controlled opposition to begin with.

"I suppose I think that at this point the only way to put enough pressure on the system and the politicians to force them to change their ways or allow truly independent candidates is if the people boycott the polls & refuse to vote, as that would send a real message that the people have had enough of the same old wheel of hypocrisy & bullshit."

What do you think would happen if only, say, one percent of the population voted in 2020? Not to mention, voter turnout is already low, and the establishment could always lie and say that it is higher than it actually is.

"It always comes down to the people, we need enough people willing to act to make any form of resistance effective."


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