Is Jeffrey Epstein Dead or Alive? Google Vs. DuckDuckGo & Google's Role in Controlling the Establishment Narrative

in #conspiracy5 years ago

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Google Vs. DuckDuckGo

Documenting Google's Role in Controlling the 'Official' Establishment Narrative

So I thought comparing the search results for Jeffrey Epstein between Google and DuckDuckGo would be a fun experiment, and indeed it was, as well as quite illuminating! The results of this experiment certainly shows Google's clear bias towards the controlled corporate media and establishment narrative. For this experiment, I chose Jeffrey Epstein's alleged death by suicide, as that was a news event in which a very large percentage of the masses didn't buy the absolutely nonsensical official narrative - and yet despite this massive distrust of the official story by the people the MSM continues to this day to push the official establishment narrative.

So first off, knowing that there are many people in the independent media and conspiracy circles that doubt Jeff Epstein is even dead, let alone that he killed himself, I began by typing the question - "is jeffrey epstein alive?" - into the two search engines to compare the suggested searches of Corporate Google with independent DuckDuckGo and see how they differed, and here are the initial results.

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Google didn't even bring up the name Jeffrey Epstein into the suggested results until hitting the "ep" of Epstein, while DuckDuckGo's top recommended search was "is jeffrey epstein dead" upon reaching "jeffr", with "is jeffrey epstein alive" also in the top suggestions, while at "jeff" the question of whether the pedophile was still alive was suggested just a few lines down!

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Upon reaching "jeffrey", Google's top suggestion was: "is jeffrey dhamer still alive", followed by others like "is jeffrey osborne dead" and again asking if he was alive as if Google replaced the natural suggestions relating to Jeffrey Epstein reflected by DuckDuckGo with Jeffrey Osborne, but no Jeffrey Epstein was to be found until beginning to type his last name. Even then its top suggestion was "is jeffrey epstein's island for sale", followed by other irrelevant questions rather unrelated to the unfolding Epstein suicide saga which is quite a hot story, such as "is jeffrey epstein a millionare or billionare"!

Next up was to complete the search and compare the results of the question: Is Jeffrey Epstein alive?

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The top result for Google was the Wikipedia page, immediately followed by a mainstream piece 'debunking' the 'conspiracy theory' that Jeffrey Epstein may still be alive, followed by a bunch more mainstream news articles on the Epstein story.

DuckDuckGo on the other hand, sports as its top result an article questioning the official narrative entitled "Did a Drone Spot Jeffrey Epstein Alive on his Island?" Wikipedia popped up as the third rather than first result, and within the top five results there is a second article (published by WMD) questioning whether or not Epstein was actually killed, entitled "Epstein Dead or Alive? Body photos raise questions".

I thought the results were very illuminating thus far, but I wanted to finish this comparative study with one final question: "Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide?" The comparative results are quite shocking and illuminating, exposing beyond a shadow of a doubt (in my mind) Google's clear bias and obvious role in helping to control the official narrative. DuckDuckGo's results appear to represent the general public consensus on the matter - that there was a coverup and Epstein likely didn't kill himself but was rather killed:

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Top result: Jeffrey Epstein was MURDERED, claims victims’ lawyer after ‘receiving new information from prison source’

Second result: Did Jeffrey Epstein Commit Suicide Or Was There A Cover-Up Murder?

Only at the third result do we find a story spouting the official narrative - Dead by suicide: Body of Jeffrey Epstein, sex trafficker and billionaire friend of the famous, found in cell - but even this Washington Examiner Piece is careful to describe Epstein's death as an "apparent suicide".

Fourth result: Did Jeffrey Epstein Commit Suicide? Not According to the Autopsy Report

Fifth result: Did Jeffrey Epstein Actually Commit Suicide, Was He “Suicided” Or Was His Death Faked?

Only one of the five top results from DuckDuckGo represented the absurd theory that Epstein committed suicide, while the rest represent the more logical theories that he was murdered ie. 'suicided' or that his death was faked. Google on the other hand, not so much...

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The top six Google results are not even relevant to the question at hand except for the Wikipedia page which touts the official suicide narrative, while the other top five search results are rather simply recent MSM news stories on the issue not even raising the question asked in the search. Not until the seventh Google result do we get to the surprising (or unsurprising) news that nearly half of Americans don't buy the official story of an Epstein 'suicide', but even then it's a mainstream story which headline implicates half of Americans as crazy 'conspiracy theorists'!

From the Business Insider: Almost half of Americans now believe the conspiracy theory that sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was murdered

And not until the eighth Google result are we informed that Epstein's autopsy results are entirely inconstant with a suicide: Private pathologist questions whether Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide; medical examiner stands by conclusion But again, it's still a mainstream article, and has to cast doubt on the doubters by including in the headline that the medical examiner stands by his conclusion.

So what do you think: Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide? Or are you one of those crazy conspiracy theorists that actually researches the evidence and thinks the official story is absolutely absurd, and therefore believe he was murdered, or are you one of those people who tends to think the elitist pedophile is even still alive? We know one thing for sure, and that is what Google wants us to think.

For the sake of truth, maybe its time to ditch Google, and start using alternative platforms like DuckDuckGo.


Good checking into this Jasonliberty. I have done it with many other topics but not Epstein :)
Yes, ditch Google and ANY product they have their claws in. Duck may be next to fall. There are so many others.........I've been pushing this list around:

The complete list of alternatives to all Google products

Please share!

Keep up the great work.

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