Civilians Flee Idlib Ahead of Offensive, as White Helmets/Terrorists Set Final Plans for False Flag Attack, Assign Roles in Meeting

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 2018-09-08 08.23.39.png

Idlib sources and Russian MoD are reporting that White Helmets and Hai’et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra - al-Qaeda in Syria) met in Idlib on Friday to complete the final planning stages for the anticipated false flag chemical attack. Meanwhile, Idlib residents are escaping the terrorist occupation ahead of the coming offensive to liberate the province, fleeing through civilian corridor set up by Syrian and Russian forces.

"The militants were holding us hostage," one woman escaping through the civilian corridor said as she boarded the bus taking the residents to safety. "This humanitarian corridor is our salvation," she added. Another Idlib resident explained how the terrorists weren't allowing them to leave, and that they escaped with only the clothes on their back. The women, children and elderly are being evacuated first, as an anticipated fierce battle for Idlib looms ahead.

Meanwhile on Thursday, HTS and Turkistani Party militants met with White Helmets in Idlib, "during which the roles were assigned for staging a chemical attack with the help of Western intelligence agencies," according to the local sources. The Russian MoD said they have obtained “irrefutable” data that the meeting took place, adding that the terrorists are to receive a “special” signal from some “foreign friends of Syrian revolution” to launch the operation, according to RT.

“Full readiness of all participants involved in the staging of the provocations is be ensured by the evening of September 8,” Konashenkov stated. - RT

From SANA:

The sources say that militants from the “Turkistani Party” and “Hai’et Tahrir al-Cham” held on Thursday a meeting with members of the White Helmets in Jisr al-Shughour city west of Idleb, during which the roles were assigned for staging a chemical attack with the help of Western intelligence agencies.

The sources say that the White Helmets have picked three new locations for carrying out the attacks after information was leaked about the previously-planned locations, and the three locations are: al-Najia town in Jisr al-Shughour countryside, al-Hamawsh town in the northwestern countryside of Hama, and Kafr Nubbul town in Idleb countryside.
The sources suggest that it’s likely that the White Helmets and the armed groups will carry out a real massacre this time to avoid the inconsistencies that surfaced in the staged chemical incident in Douma.

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Recent US coalition statements ramping up the 'chemical attack by Assad' narrative suggest another false flag chemical attack, whether entirely staged as in Douma or a real attack, is to be carried out by the White Helmet terrorists and associates in Idlib in the very near future. I wouldn't be surprised if such an attack were to be staged on 9/11, as that has been the most significant US-backed false flag in recent American history, while the elite puppet masters running the show have a fondness for 'important' dates and numbers. This wild conspiracy theory of mine also fits right in with the new intel that the terrorists will carry out the false flag attack upon receiving a "special signal" from some "foreign friends." We'll see about the timing, but it certainly does seem as if another false flag in Syria is right around the corner.

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley has recently warned against "Assad, Russia, and Iran" carrying out another chemical attack on Syrian civilians in Idlib, and said if there is another chemical attack, the US already knows exactly who will have done it - Assad of course!

“If they want to continue to go the route of taking over Syria, they can do that, but they cannot do it with chemical weapons. They can’t do it assaulting their people. And we’re not gonna fall for it. If there are chemical weapons that are used, we know exactly who’s gonna use them," Nikki Haley said in a press briefing on Tuesday - source

US special representative for Syria James Jeffrey warned on Thursday against a "reckless escalation" in Idlib and claims to have "lots of evidence that chemical weapons are being prepared."

Well, he is right that there's lots of evidence of chemical weapons being prepared, but of course he means by Assad and the Syrian Army (where's that evidence?) when the evidence is in fact of the opposition terrorists doing the preparing for a chemical attack (false flag).

Also on Thursday September 6, France’s Chief of the Defence Staff Francois Lecointre stated that his country was ready to attack Syria "if chemical weapons were used."

“We are ready to strike if chemical weapons were used again,” the top military official told media. “They can be carried out at national level but it’s in our interest to do it with as many partners as possible.” - SouthFront

The Syrian Ambassador to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari fired back against the absurd claims, lies and western war propaganda on Friday in a Security Council meeting in New York.

From SANA:

“Those who facilitated the entry of foreign terrorists into Syria, including the Turkish government, can still withdraw them from Idleb, just like they did with their White Helmets members whom they had smuggled in cooperation with Israel before shipping them to Idleb to prepare for another terrorist crime using chemical weapons,” he said.
“In light of the information provided to the Security Council about the preparations made by terrorists and White Helmets members to use chemical weapons and lay the blame on the Syrian government to provoke a new partitive aggression against it, Syria reiterates its demand that the three countries who have influence over terrorist organizations must use that influence to prevent them from using any chemical weapons or materials that could be used as an excuse to elicit direct intervention and aggression by their supporters against Syria,” he said.
“The liberation of Idleb from Jabhat al-Nusra and groups affiliated to it will be the last nail in the coffin of terrorism, frustrating those who bet on it and invested billions of dollars in it, those whose yelling fills the halls of this organization much like what happened when the Syrian Army was about to liberate the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city, the eastern Ghouta, and Daraa and its countryside.”

Yes, the US/UK/Israeli/Saudi/Turkish proxy terrorist armies are on the verge of annihilation in Idlib, and the US Empire has come running to the rescue, though it seems all their calls to protect the Jihadi terrorists in Idlib are falling on deaf ears. The world has gotten wise to America's lies. Israel too is no longer able to hide their support of Jihadi terrorists in Syria. The whole world sees through the propaganda, which is absolutely farcical.

All eyes are on Idlib, as the world waits to see what happens next. It's certainly good to hear civilians are managing to escape ahead of the coming offensive. Sad to hear that yet more civilians are being killed by the terrorists, who continue their terrorist attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. The liberation of Idlib by the SAA backed by Russia and Iran is inevitable, just a matter of when, and that time seems to be quickly approaching. The US doesn't seemed concerned with risking a direct conflict with Russia, while the SAA is practically guaranteed to be engaged by Turkish fighters in any offensive on the province. Meanwhile, a false flag attack to be carried out by HTS (al-Qaeda), Turkish-backed fighters and the White Helmet terrorists looms ahead.

All the ingredients which could easily escalate the conflict, leading to a WW3 type situation are present. The US has made their intent to stay involved in Syria known, and their stance against an offensive on Idlib has been heard, while Russia has also made both their intent to continue killing US-backed terrorists in Syria and their support of Assad in the coming offensive on Idlib clear. If there is a false flag gas attack used as a pretext for more unprovoked western intervention and aggression, the whole world is now awake to the desperate and pathetic facade. Let's just hope US desperation to keep Syria destabilized and maintain military control over portions of the country doesn't spark a third world war!

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Highly recommended further reading to better understand the bigger picture here, and to see how the current Idlib stage is set to easily escalate into a world war type scenario:


Moon of Alabama Blog - Syria Sitrep - U.S. To Stay To "Create Quagmires":


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