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RE: PEAK OIL - A total con job, but the public have been programmed to believe it

in #conspiracy6 years ago

Ok, first of all, this is an INCREDIBLE article!

I can track what you say, the only problem with your whole premise that peak oil is a myth is this:

oil is used for EVERYTHING. Not just cars. Agriculture is basically the process of turning fossil fuels into food, plastics, the list goes on...

since 1910 US consumpution of oil has DOUBLED every 10 years...

no matter how much oil there is, exponential growth is unsustainable.

even supposing the russian theory is true of oil being produced via processes in the center of the earth, there is no way that the earth is producing double the oil every year... it must produce a fairly constant amount of oil, and the way that "modern world" insists on using is is ridonculous.

that said, you wrote an excellent article, and gave me a lot of food for thought. thank you!


Thanks, I have ended up thinking that oil is no more limited than molten lava, so the earth could easily double the output each year - but that isn't needed anyway - oil use has only about doubled once in the past 50 years, and like "global warming" most of the figures are fake

Hmm... Even supposing peak oil is true, there isnt much I can do but live one day at a time . Not sure how to know who's numbers to trust, and it would take a lot more time than I'm willing to spend to "know". Anyways, thx again

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