[Hae-Joo] Why I laugh everytime an article comes around stating "We're not spying on you through your phone!"

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

The Wall-Street Journal just came out with an article (I hardly ever read an article like this but it caught my eye because of how insane the actual title sounded to me)

Facebook Really Is Spying on You, Just Not Through Your Phone’s Mic

The irony... Where do I even start?

This is so Orwellian it boggles my mind that these kinds of articles are still even being written...

The title of this article is super reminiscent of that chapter of American history that followed the Snowden leaks.

In June 2013, reports from a cache of top secret documents leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its international partners had created a global system of surveillance that was responsible for the mass collection of information on American and foreign citizens.

Obama initially defended NSA mass surveillance programs when they were first leaked. He argued that NSA surveillance was transparent and claimed that the NSA is unable and had made no attempt to monitor the phone calls and e-mails of American citizens. Following Snowden's admittance to leaking classified documents regarding national surveillance, Obama attempted to ignore the issue of NSA surveillance. It was speculated that Obama did this to avoid complicating the Department of Justice investigation into Snowden.

Ah yes, that good ol' sweet lie that Obama made: "No attempt to monitor the phone calls and e-mails of American citizens". It's funny when we subsequently found out and received confirmation that indeed, all of that information was being recorded, collected, gathered, processed and stored for later usage. Unironically, they still call it "Incidental Collection" of Americans' emails. Source

nobody's listening.jpg

Seriously, who the Hell are these people kidding?

Let's make this painfully clear...

Even the most basic Smartphones have over 10 censors embedded within the device, which are constantly sending data back to a parent data center for recording and analysis. A Samsung or an Apple Smartphone probably have well over 30 sensors within the machine.

This article published on the ExpressVPN Blog was absolutely adamant about this point... These sensors are turned on all the time, are communicating with remote data collection centers all the time; and this isn't going to change... Source: Sensor Society

There is no "Option to turn off tracking"... Why the Hell would a Facebook or a Samsung or a Google build one of those in? To give us a choice?

That would be as fucking stupid from their megalomaniac point of view as an Evil Genius who's captured the Super Hero putting a "Self-Destruct" button within the protagonists' reach, ensuring that his genius plan could be laid to ruin simply by virtue of a the hero deciding to put an end to this malarkey...


Evil Geniuses are not Genius and not Evil because they can be easily defeated and "Turned-off"...

This is all so Orwellian... When I read an article that says "Facebook Really Is Spying on You, Just Not Through Your Phone's Mic", especially coming from a source like the Wall Street Journal, you can basically interpret that as: "By the way, just remember that everything that can be audited by the microphone in your Smartphone device is being recorded, and will be used against you in the future."

It's fucking annoying and a tad irritating that the mainstream media fake news is still trying to dupe people with such false promises of hope... "Don't worry, they're not listening through your mic..."


In more unironically-nessness, the Guardian also published the exact same article 6 months before... So I assume somewhere there is agenda to keep people in this state of belief that the corporations have not yet taken over the world... But they have...

If you would like to continue living in a bubble of delusions then feel free to believe the Guardian and the Wall Street Journal and divulge absolutely every shred of socially-conspicuous morally-dubious potentially-incriminating information about yourself with these devices... But these bastards are listening to everything.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... But it's there. One day, they will take a look at it and see what they can do with all this information... Not metadata... Not for keywords... No, they will machine-learn how to analyze Proper content. and extract intelligence from it... This is how the scientific dictatorship is being erected right in front of our eyes...

If you were smart yourself you wouldn't need the smarts to be in your phone and you would just chuck that bastard out the window of your moving car on the freeway...

Source: Obama-Surveillance / Self-Destruct-Button

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