The government is NOT incompetent

in #conspiracy7 years ago

One of the BIG mistakes many people make is the assumption, that government is incompetent.
I believe, nothing can be further from the truth.

Yes, they APPEAR to be.
Yes, they ACT like that.
Yes, they have many low level operatives who are genuine morons.

But this is a charade, to make people believe that the government is run by essentially well meaning people who just happen to be incompetent.
That they just happen to have these strange opinions and believes.
That all the horrible stuff is happening because of "human error".
Because of "partisanship" and infighting between the two parties.

Please, just take a minute to think about this...

The government employs the most brilliant minds on earth to come up with strategies.
Think tanks of highly intelligent people who do nothing else but proposing plans.
Do you honestly believe that Kissinger is stupid? Brzezinski?
If you read only a few books of the people working in the shadows, your brain will freeze over.
They are clever.

They USE morons like Nikki Haley to create the ILLUSION of stupidity.
But they are not.

The "Patriot Act" was released on October 26, 2001
A pretty smart document I'd say.
In a little bit over a month after 9/11.
With far reaching effects.
Pretty competent, I'd dare to say.

And the same government is not capable of creating a decent Health Care System?
Out of incompetence?
Out of infighting between the parties?
Because it is too difficult?

Behind the veil of incompetence, partisanship, corruption, human error and stupidity they get things done EXACTLY as planned.

No Healthcare for you, sucker. Shell over your taxes. Obey the ridiculous laws.
Let's go to war with innocent countries.
Let's find the WMD's in Iraq.
Oops, sorry, we made a mistake.
Silly us. We tried our best. Honestly...

And no, there are no "fat fingers" pushing the wrong buttons.
There is way to much sophistication and security behind these systems.

Don't agree with me? Was he only joking?


In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

Franklin D. Roosevelt


my favorite example of competence was after Pearl Harbor... we organized and banged out a shit ton of product in limited amount of time. people had 'victory gardens' .. they know how to organize us, it is just like you said, they prefer to disorganize us because it is controllable.. the logical outcome of happy people is no more war.

You are absolutely right. Peace is very bad for business and very bad for the control of the populus. Keep the people busy fearing an enemy, and they will do anything to feel safe. And all these bombs need to be used eventually or the inventory gets to big. There will never be peace. Only if they can keep us in perpetual fear they can control us. And this they do in a sophisticated way. Fear of losing your job, your healthcare, your pension, fear of the economy crashing, of terrorists, of foreign mad villains. Keep them afraid and they follow you. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. No "mistakes" here...

true. george w. bush taught me that being a fool gets you forgiveness for doing what appears to be dumb things. check this video, but I don't agree with the videos conclusions as to why...

i've literally heard people accept the insanity of Bush because they think he is mentally deficient.

the same excuse is being used now for Trump... he is unstable man child... yadda yadda... paving way for excusing behavior... that would otherwise be seen as dictatorial.

Exactly my friend. That is exactly the point I am trying to make. We are fools for believing that they are stupid!

this may be a direction your not ready for, but I was deeply depressed when I found all this, I was ready to not be here. I really was losing all interest in life. But I kept going, and one thing that got me interested in spirituality was all the elites seemed to believe in 'dumb energy' with no intelligence, that they 'mastered' it and felt themselves to be god. Now I don't buy all that, but it did get me interested. because what they are doing is clearly working, to a degree.

so a crack had appeared. I won't say was the first, doubt that, but it definitely was the equivalent of a sledge hammer hitting my defences against such ideas (brainwashing, i call it now). but hating dogmas, I wanted proof, and found Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and (after I'd done all my research that pointed to it... ) the Secret movie came out (but not the current one, they took Abraham-Hicks out of it... so sad) .. but the jist is by changing our own mind we change the world. we can pave a new road, but we must look at what we want, and believe it is already reality.

so while I still love to come and talk to people about truth, i'm always aware that I need to keep my focus on where I want to go, so I ever return to these ideas, because for me, they are no longer ideas, but reality, with real world results. the only catch is working with the mind is difficult work, changing it is not easy... and as soon as you change your mind... you are challenged by the 'momentum' of your previous idea, and you must keep true to your path (unless you feel you are wrong now, but is that ego fear or your inner voice?... such challenges... the discernment becomes paramount)

yes I love to talk about this stuff, sorry for the long post. I sometimes get this way, because well, i listen to my own inner voice... or i hope that is what it was, the ego is ever so tricky. maybe I think you can hear me, maybe you already know all this.

(postcard the girlfriend got from Dharma Talks

I am personally for good(God), and non-compliant with bad, I think that is the best I can do. I think you are for the good, but I wonder if you feel the divine connection that would make life a bit more enjoyable for you. it is all just a game, we can't lose, light doesn't ask the darkness to leave, it disappears in its presence... so I am trying to let my light shine ; )

best of luck on your journey, I hope you are happiness...

This is a very complex subject and I am glad you have found something that helps you through these difficult times. If you let your light shine, you are doing a wonderful thing 🙂

Very very true and accurate..the Bildenbergs don’t leave anything to chance..whatever we see on tv is much planned..thx for sharing that!

Thanks for reading and least I know I am not alone with my opinion 🙂

You are definitely not alone..there are many that think of the whole society as we know the same as you & I do! Will be following you as well!

Exactly. Not stupid, everything happens according to a script. I guess it's up to us to rewrite it.

Yes. If we succeed in waking enough people up, we might have a chance. But time is running out it appears...

Bang on. False incompetence is a wonderful cover for shadiness, almost as good as overflowing benevolence.

Thank you. Great to see that SOME people agree 🙂

Take heart: if the majority of people ever agree with you, you're probably wrong. The majority is always wrong.

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