Conspiracy TheoriessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

It's great coming here and reading all these conspiracy theories in one place, that way I don't have to search on Google. And I mean we have them all, the flat earth conspiracy, the pedophile conspiracy (even though this one isn't really a conspiracy as I've read about 1-2% of all people are into this behaviour which means there are more, but the funny thing is the conspiracies are all aimed at the other side, let's face it if at least 2% of humans are pedophiles probably you know a few of them, and they have to be involved in every conceivable human social interaction be it political, religious, or any type so if you are going to lash out against this perversion, be fair, lash out at all of them), then we have the Rothschild central banks conspiracy, we have the reptile conspiracies, I mean these conspiracies are so many and so varied I am sometimes overwhelmed by them and by the many people who are so sure they are true. And undoubtedly some of them at least are true, but can they be proved?

I myself have read a lot on the Rothschilds and some other dynasties who are supposed to control the world, is it true? They are said to control all secret societies and are devil worshippers and control most of the world's economies want a new world order and also are Zionists, I hold nothing against Jews. I believe there are people who control lot's of money and hold incredible power, but I really don't think they are as powerful as they are claimed to be, or that they hold hundreds of trillions of dollars. So to me conspiracy theories, if you can't prove them are mostly hoaxes, hell even these guys that have programs specifically aimed at people who like conspiracy theories are just actors as has been known lately, and despite this fact, they are still just as believed as they were before this was exposed. And I'm not talking about one side of the coin this goes all around. Examples, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, the liberals I don't know so well having heard very few of them and as I live in Honduras I don't know much about them but I know they are out there, I sometimes watch Bill Maher on YouTube, I do find him funny, but he also has some weird ideas, about Bill O'reilly I'm not saying anything.

Now as for the Rothschild theory, I want to believe it's true, I have one major drawback though, see I am more or less agnostic so I somehow don't believe in this devil worship thing. But I do have an open mind prove me that something is true and even if I've said it's a lie all my life I have no problem in eating my words.

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