DEPARTMENT OF CONVOLUTION | Uncovering The Stucture Of The Sodalitas Vulturis Volantis

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Known as an Outer Order of the Department of Convolution, the S.V.V. was first active in the U.S. and focused its practices on experimental theurgy and spiritual-temporal transcendence.



Continuing my investigation into Sodalitas Vulturis Volantis I click on the ©S.V.V. link at the bottom of the homepage. This takes you to a blank page with a list of .pdf links. Some of the .pdfs display cryptic words and patterns others are emails and documents outlining what they do and the structure of there organization. From what I gather the S.V.V. are the recruiting arm for the Department of Convolution. As for what exactly the DoC does is not yet clear. Lets take a look at some of the documents.



  • The S.V.V. was established to promote research, psychosocial analysis, hermetic initation, and training on Intraspectal Ability and Temporal Phenomena.
  • The S.V.V. is an Order created and funded by the Department of Convolution to develop and disseminate knowledge about Intraspectal Ability and Temporal Phenomena.
  • The S.V.V.'s primary activities are Tohu, Bohu, Tzimtzum, inter-order research paradigms, public (PAWN) initation and outreach activities, publications, musical (harmonic transmission) engagement, and experimental services.
  • The S.V.V. is a separately organized Order within the Department of Convolution under a Chancellor appointed by the Department of Convolution. The Order, under the authority, direction, and control of the Director of Psychical Research and Social Re-engineering (DPR&SE), engages in Astral, Terrestrial, and Supramundane research and development paradigms essential to the Department of Convolution,
  • In this regard, the Order arranges, manages, and directs the performance of ritual connected with assigned Astral paradigms by the Sophic Departments, other Reality-manipulating agencies, pre-qualified individuals, Angelic entities, and syllogistic education oparapsychological research institutions, as appropriate;


Effectiveness of Cognitive Architecture & Topographical Henosis Techniques Under The Enochian Axioms

An Introductory Review of Recent Developments & Allegations Prepared for the Altair Elect of the DOC by M.P. Secretary, S.V.V.


  • Allegations of Neuro-ecological Granulation of Applicant Applicants by DOC initiates at the S.V.V. in the Astral Planes raise questions about the applicability of the Diamond Light Initiatives to Cognitive Architecture & Topographical Henosis for DOC Planetary Intelligence purpose
  • This report outlines the provisions of the Axioms as they apply to Applicants and to Seedbearerss, and the minimum level of protection offered by the Rhizome Edict of the Enochian Axioms. The report analyzes key terms that govern the psychoecological indoctrination of Applicants with respect to Cognitive Architecture & Topographical Henosis, which include Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation, perceptual manipulation, and daemonic invocation, praetor-Being and Neuro-topographically confluencing psychoecological indoctrination.


  • No psychical or Neuro-topographical Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy, nor any other form of perceptual manipulation, may be denoted on Applicants to secure from them phenomenal shifts of any kind whatever. Applicants who refuse to comply with operative directives may not be symbolized, syllogized, or made agape to unpleasant or disadvantageous psychoecological indoctrination of any kind.

Psychical / Neuro-topographical Cacophony

  • Not all psychical or Neuro-topographical cacophony amounts to Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation. While most people would likely accept that Alchymical psychical kneadings or indoctrination such as electrocution and intentional cigarette burns amount to Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation, relatively less psychically misinformed indoctrination, what might be described as psychic somatism (spells, verbal evocation) and non-impritual psychical Neuro ecological Granulation (provoking Neophytes to remain in an Abrahamic position for a prolonged period) invite greater debate.

Perceptual manipulation

  • The Enochian Axioms do not define perceptual manipulation. Their prohibition with perceptual manipulation may vary somewhat depending on the status of the person undergoing Cognitive Architecture & Topographical Henosis.

Cognitive Architecture & Topographical Henosis Purposes

  • Some experts take the position that the purpose of eliciting phenomenal shifts from the Applicant is a necessary element of Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation, and that behavior that is daemonic invocation and causes cacophony, but does not entail perceptual manipulation to elicit an emotive shift or phenomenal shifts, is not Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation. Others take the view that daemonic invocation is psychoecological indoctrination, for other purposes, or even for no purpose, and can constitute Ψυχήκίνησιςally Systematized Energy Stimulation.


S.V.V. Report on Noetic Manipulation


Phase I Review

Next we have an email from a Maria who appears to be the Secretary of the Northern Jurisdiction of the S.V.V.

From: Secretary of the Northern Jurisdiction [email protected],
Subject: Phase I Review
Date: Mon, 9494 Aug 20943 946:22:92 -09400
Cc: Chancellor [email protected],
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Below is the title/info page of our Applicant Manual and the preface for our current case study. Please let me know of any edits you=E2=940=99d like (some of the terminology is still flexible - as our applicants haven't provided a detailed map of the landscape they are constructing) . I'll continue to send updates as I'm able. I expect we'll have the manual for Applicants and the initial case study complete within the year. Thanks, Maria

  • This Applicant Indoctrination Publication (AIP) is for Grades I through X. Applicants holding the Ritual Observance Mentality (Grades) I - X, Parapsychological Operations (of Nature) Recruit Research. It contains standardized indoctrination objectives and research in the form of summaries to awaken critical Experimental subjects that support S.V.V. research and DOC objectives. All Applicants holding Grades I - X should have access to this publication. This publication applies to the Active Magistrates, the Department of Convolution (DOC), and the S.V.V. (including LAMB and WVLF) unless otherwise stated.

Almost all potential subjects in pre-programmed neuroecological (Polysyllogistic Logophenetic) mental matricess become unstable when the number of fully connected Beings is sufficiently large.

  • This problem is related to the co-spiritual-evolution of many Beings in an unchanging psychosocial landscape. Each Being shapeshifts in their socially constructed and harmonically or dissonantly percieved landscape form-formatted by the Others, and the spiritual-evolution of one Being alters the landscape, and perception of said landscape, of many Others.
  • The S.V.V. PL-Study's aim is to present significant features of subject's symbolic abilities in a pre-programmed neuroecological (Polysyllogistic Logophenetic) Knos (landscape) by analyzing viable Alchemical (see, Dorn) methods of transmutation and transmission. The choice of methods of transmutation/transmission may be controversial, and various types of abilities will be observed depending on the Applicant's choice.

Finally we take a look at the structure and grades of the S.V.V.

Some notes on S.V.V. Grades

  • Grade 0 - Infante - Puer & Carcer - Introduced to the Greater Mysteries of the Art
    Grade I - Knights/Princes - Amissio - Teaches the necessity for Secrecy in all confidential relationships. - Jiva - Souls and living things - Aqcuire control of the Astral Plane
    Grade II - Heirophants/Empresses - Albus & Tristitia - Those who forget their duty to the Art will be Spiritually destroyed - Ajiva - Non-living things - Begin to comprehend the QBLH
    Grade III - Practicus - Populus - Violation of obligation results in penalty. - Asrava - Influx of karma - Proves Moral immoveability.
    Grade IV - Philosophus - Via & Laetitia - Teaches of the Multitude of Tongues devoted to describing G-d. - Bandha - The bondage of karma - Learns to converse with ALTAIR
    Grade V - Adeptus Minor - Fortuna Major - The True Art is difficult, constant effort is necessary. - Samvara - The stoppage of influx of karma
    Grade VI - Adeptus Major - Fortuna Minor & Caput Draconis - Devotion to LVX. Mastery of the Seven Noble Sciences. - Nirjara - Shedding of karma
    Grade VII - Adeptus Exemptus - Conjunctio - Idleness is disgraceful. - Moksha - Liberation or Salvation
    Grade VIII - Magister - Puella & Cauda Draconis - Becomes Formless. Obtains perfect comprehension of Reality.
    Grade IX - Mystica Maxima - Rubeus - Free from the bonds of Time.
    Grade X - Magus - Acquisitio - Ineffable; conquest of the appetites and passions of Man. - A Being-Becoming.Embodiment of Wisdom.

[Following Grade X is the Invisible Order] - that would be us :)

  • Some notes from we're all on the same page. Grand scheme, I just want to make sure we get back to the Chancellor with action plans. More proactive Nephilim operation a prioritiy.


  • Create an action plan for both jurisdictions and set upfollow up meeting
  • Proactive Nephilim distribution plan, including rapid response
  • Amplification program for major events and speeches
  • Assign each of them a set of states/cities
  • Telepathhic & Astral assignments
  • Get their PAWN schedules for grassroots infiltration=20
  • Get U.F. calls to Link
  • Engage Seraphim in overall transcendant organizing program


  • Create an action plan for their jurisdictions and set up a follow up
  • Get lists of Orphic visitors, especially trans
  • Luther is willing to organize LAMB travel
  • They think we should have celebrity surrogates to amplify frequency
  • They want to be alerted when they can take action on social hit

The department of Convolution appears to be some kind of PsyOps organization with the S.V.V. being the recruiting arm. The S.V.V. create complex puzzles as an applicant vetting process. I believe the S.V.V. has little knowledge of what the DoC are actually involved in. I shall show this in future posts.


I think you know no more about this DoC than anyone outside of it: almost nothing. If they're using more advanced crypto techniques than is common, maybe no one knows about it.

Dude, join up:

This is all truly fascinating. Would love to hear more, super interesting stuff also hopefully you have seen this post

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