Mars Rover Anomalies - Part 2

Lets dive right into it. If you are not familiar with the idea that NASA has been withholding information from the public, please research that topic before continuing. All of this images were analyzed in Photoshop. And the original source for them is on the Mars Opportunity Site. All of these specific images are from the Mast Cam.

Fish Bone copy.jpg
Here is something I am calling the "fish bone". While a lot of evidence points to Mars once being the sister planet of Earth and that is supported life, NASA and mainstream science will not confirm this. And when there is photo evidence that suggests biological life, it is difficult for me to accept NASA's usual argument that it's a "trick of the light".

This object has several features that lead me to believe it is not a rock. The 3 holes along the front are perfectly spaced. And the ridge along the right top looks honed not random. Also there seems to be some tubes or wire like things coming from it.

This object has a distinct tubular section that flows into the rounded object. Does this honestly appear to you as a rock formation?

How do you feel about the images coming back from Mars Rover Opportunity. Could it have picked up images of pieces and parts of a civilization that now lies scattered in thousands of pieces?


I have seen alot of stuff from NASA, even their live feed of the space station..They keep turning off the feed now and then when there are shall we say "Anomalies" they deny what they are and call them "ice crystals". I think it's quite obvious that something or someone is watching.
Have you ever seen the "Black Knight"? The strange looking satellite that is in orbit around the earth.

What are they not telling us?

There is definitely information that they are hiding from us...

Thanks for the information and pictures..

Yes, I've seen the Black Night. Highly recommend a documentary called Secret Space. It was made by a guy who was disabled. And he used to record the NASA feeds and scour them for anomalies.

While this film is does not have a high production value, it does have some amazing footage. And the film also uncovers deceptive tactics used by NASA during these live broadcasts.

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