(Subliminal Messaging) in Disney Cartoons!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Since past times, subliminal messages have been used in order to produce certain behavior patterns. These kinds of tactics are often aimed at kids since youngest of ages. They are attacked in ways that go around their Ratio straight to their brain...

Subliminal message is:

An affirmation or message either auditory or visual presented below the normal limits of human auditory or visual perception.

They are often:

  • Invisible to the conscious mind but visible to the deeper mind
  • Planting messages recipients are not aware of
  • Targeted at children
  • Inducing changed perception on life

The main goal is to influence behavior patterns and direct them in the way in which it suits the agenda.
The functioning is pretty simple:

When content gets into your subconscious mind, in a matter of time it will become a part of your reality. Especially when applied to underage children.

Not even subliminal sexual ads:


Why is reality becoming a hyper-sexuality of pretty much everything? Materialism is at its highest rate, and it doesn't look like its gonna stop.

They force us to buy things we don't need. Through the successful modernization of technology, the amount of brainwashing applied is at its highest point, I myself was subliminally guided before into doing things I didn't want to... Not just that, they force us to act how we shouldn't.

Sometimes when I come close to a TV (rarely since I don't watch it), I hear ads and they are so annoying to me I can't stand them for a second. But the topic is different now.

Many are not aware of the moments Disney used, to promote sexuality to children. There were many.

Lots of us loved these cartoons when we were younger. Children still do, identifying themselves with many characters.


Cartoons are used to input artificial values. That way, children focus is misguided since youngest of ages so they slowly start to develop wrong perception of life. They avoid children's rational part of brain, planting seeds straight in their subconscious mind... With the consequences.

Sexual promotion is a common way:

By properly using their cartoons as a tool to propagate, children priorities are shaped since youngest of ages. They get encouraged to further disconnect from their true selves. They don't even realize true self exists, chasing wrong values in life.

Sexuality is subliminally advertised like a necessity, almost a thing that you couldn't live without. But not that healthy sexuality, rather sexuality that is driving you towards objectifying. Nowhere close to understanding what this life is about since everything is energy...

Young boys are learned to objectify girls, and highlight is put on physical appearance. In the same time, lots of pressure is put on girls in terms of physical appearance. With unreal beauty standards on the one side, and getting objectified on the other side.

Here you can see some of the most known characters...


Here you can see a Peter Pan. No explanation needed.


The cartoons we watched as kids, subliminally guided our thought processes into development of realities. Today, success of that mass propaganda is shown at the highest level. Just look around you, many think they are modern when in reality they are just acting how they were trained to fit the agenda.

To limit our perception in life and what our true values are.

Minnie's dress is truly symbolic on this one. What does this represent? Could someone closely elaborate, I do realize the whole agenda behind most of this sexuality movement. But, why is her dress like this, I can't comprehend.

It is a fun but a complex reality for a children to live in, as they are influenced in so many ways since they day they were born.

In the video below, Aladdin from 1992, you can clearly hear the voice saying:

Good Teenagers, take off your Clothes!

The cover of The Lion King, actually has a women back in the thong on its cover, if you look better.

The Lion King was a hero of many young boys. I was one of them, never will I forget how hyped I was to watch it in the cinema as a kid. Little did I know of the hidden intentions behind it, to shape my perception in a way that is fit.

The cartoon has subliminally sexual scenes, even clearly writing Sex on the sky at one point of time during it...


There are other doubtful and intriguing images to say the least. I don't wanna spam you with too much info and visuals, so I'll try to be short.


Here you can see Sex again, but in different cartoon, cover from Tangled:

There are even Pedophilia indications, but that should come as nothing strange to you.

Pedophilia is getting mainstream these days, anyone chasing the truths knows of many elite Pedophilia circles formed around the planet...


Numerous rumors are out there, about On the Edge parties at the Disney secret Club 33 reserved for the elite. Walt Disney is a known Freemason, and considering there is 33 degrees in Freemasonry that looks like a nice connection between his interests... This could be the answer to such an extensive Sexual propaganda done by Disney over time



In this screenshot from the cartoon Saviors, while its protagonists are driving in a can you can see a naked female body all of a sudden... But this is really just some light work when you oppose it to everything else.


This is a scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, this time you can see a female protagonist, spiraling out of the vehicle and not having any panties. Once again we witness over-objectifying of everything and as well placing wrong values on the standard of beauty


This is a classic story these days, not just in Disney movies but in pretty much any magazine or anything to looks-related industries.

Here you can see a female character from Hercules not wearing underwear:


Why are all these female characters naked in children movies? Obviously to perform influenza of some kind. We'll go through it in depth. On one side the play with brains of young boys, on the other side they bring female confidence down...

That results in wrongly formed men-women relationships globally, daily. Not to mention that objectifying women from men, results in lower self-esteem for women:

Beauty industries and teen-magazines makes tons of profits on females with low self-esteem. That is why they do it everything in their power, to bring it down. Afterwards they offer the solution, usually in package of Chemicals or some materialistic stuff that has no deeper purpose.

On the VHS cover of The Little Mermaid there is a giant penis. That cartoon was on Favorite List for lot of girls around the world. So, it is not just the male part that is guided into hyper-sexuality realms, the same influenza was aimed at females.


It is kind of logical, to answer why are they making us objectify each other. So we get wrong expectations, and in turn we can't cope with true relationship and enter them out of wrong expectations. True power of love is being hidden that way, and everything is brought on animal instincts, pretty much.


Not to mention this guy has a boner, while marrying them. But oh well, what can you do. It is really nothing strange at this point... Just a normal occurrence

Conclusion (from my point of view)


Detailed materializing of society Ruthless Consumerism

Highlight on the Physical Ignoring (missing) Spiritual

Objectifying of Women Wrong Relationship Expectations Not understanding what Love is Inability to form healthy Family Union

There is a war for our mind, there was. There will be a war for our children's mind... We need to take it wisely.

We need to work on ourselves, in order to wash out all the programming we were under. In order to live healthy and fulfilling lives with our better halves, we must acknowledge things for how they are and turn to the good.

Most of this sexual propaganda is aimed at us with sole purpose, to force us to spend our sexuality. We must use our sexual energy wisely in order for it to guide us through life, as positivity in all energies is needed for us to attain the balance of life.


What an amazing post and a careful research on these cartoons. I have watched these cartoons when was a kid but I never new the danger these cartoons was exposing me to. It is sad to know that in recent times most cartoons content are filled with dangerous propaganda than it was previously. Infact they no longer hid this content (as with the older cartoons) rather they joyfully exposed it in recent cartoons for children to watch. The damaging influence of most cartoons nowadays are clearly seen in our children mood of dressing, lack of respect, lack of morals, etc. But the question is how can we save our kids and many other kids out there that are addicted to such cartoons ?

That is a really good question! I feel with the right approach and in terms of Res non verba you can teach your children how to act accordingly

I have read about the sexual messages in Disney cartoon somewhere but not as elaborative or descriptive like your post. This is just from Disney, how about other cartoon production, let say Nickelodeon?

Legit question. :) Actually I'm pretty sure there are loads of sexual messages in Nickelodeon as well :) Just didn't bother to put them here

Never really watched many toonz made by Disney, though I knew he was a prick. Gotta say though; Japanese stuff of the late nineties all the way to today had some pretty twisted shit in them. I don't know about new stuff, but it was obvious, I remember having question marks above my head,as some things would make me uncomfortable when I was watching them as a kid.

Certainly eye opening and very scary. No wonder kids today are so confused, theres so much depression and anxiety. Makes you wonder if a lot of this is caused through media etc, screwing with their heads.

very informative didn't even know these messages were in the cartoons

I especially like the NEAR ZERO mother figures (let alone biological mothers) that meet the following criteria in a disney original animated movie:
(1) Positive
(2) Alive

Always makes me think about how much focus the Father -> Child relationship gets and how relatively little the Mother -> Child relationship gets. Both are important and obviously the father can "leave" easier/more'often than the mother but Disney doing this with their characters always makes me think there is something way more to it.

Great post !!!

Good post ..
Thanks shearing for information news

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