My thought on conditioning #1

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Sometimes we like to believe things we are told. Sometimes we deal with things emotionally and when emotions come in the equation it makes it more difficult to think rationally and logically.

For example;
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about religion, the elites who control the world and being materialistic.

First we talked about how majority of Iranians are materialistic and from what he was telling me about his mother, I told him that your mother just like the other 99% of people, whether iranian or not, is materialistic. But because we're talking about his mother, his emotions kick in and effects his judgement on the issue and he tries to defend his mother by saying "ye but" or "she's not really like that" or anything to try to defent her which is understandable but its far from being real regarding the issue.
So I thought to myself, if I said the same thing about someone else who he had no relation to then his response would have been a lot different.

Then we talked about religion, even though he doesn't believe everything his religion says and doesn't follow all of it, he still has that defensive mentality that even if I give evidence and reasons, he still tries to or chooses to find ways to not accept it. Because religion has become part of him, he has grown up with it, so for someone like me to shatter that illusion for him, it becomes very difficult for him to accept and this is called cognitive dissonance.

And finally we talked about the Zionists who control the world. He completely agrees with that fact that the zionists elite run this world.
Now this, again, made me think why he believes the Zionists run the world but doesnt believe the things I said about his religion... even though he doesnt know much about either of them, all he believes is based on intuition or that strong gut feeling.
And I realized everything he believes about the "zionist jews" is what he's been told by the people around him who Im sure are iranians and muslims. So again it goes back to being conditioned to believing what you've been told by people and the society, and because he has high faith in his people and his religion he would believe them without questioning.
But to actually empty your mind and uncondition yourself from everything you've been told which takes a strong mentality, after all how many people are able to that...from my experience I would say maybe 1 in a hundred.

I myself tried to do that and thats why I started to read more so I can relearn everything I've been told, from my parents, school and the society. basically everything from scratch.

When you want to control someone, trigger their emotions, people are very emotional these days. They would believe someone who cries more than anyone.
I personally don't care if I offend someone, I believe its your choice to get offended. When I say something real and it offends you then its your problem, because you getting offended doesnt change the fact about what I said so its your choice to deal and come to terms with it.

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