The Internet Bill Of WRONG

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Hello, this is Ian. For my safety, I appreciate my life and the lives of my family and friends.
I'm not homicidal, suicidal, or in any way a danger to myself or others.
Suck my Dick ya commie bastards. How's That for an intro?

Thanks to Tracy Beanz, I was going to post in her comment section about this topic.
If you don't like it, type angry comments in the comment box, enjoy the Shit post roses
while they are in bloom. The thought police are going to come for your shitposting soon.

The possibility of The First Amendment being used in conjunction with the Second Amendment to silence people who's words are considered violent. The old adage, "Don't Shoot Your Mouth Off" comes to mind. The PMRC never went away.
The Thought Police and Word Police work daily to obstruct human creativity, and thus human evolution mentally and spiritually.
These folks at the top of their Scholastic fields, of course believe that they have the right to an open dialogue. The artists and jesters that the monarchy and oligarchy find amusing, who are, of course, the rightful and most deserving artists, they are free to practice their art freely. (free/freely shakes head)
Speaking in confusing occulted symbols and metaphors that guide me into a philosophical realm of unanswered, half-truths. Always guaranteeing enlightenment of self, somehow through another individuals personal process of enlightenment from 100's or even 1000's of years ago.
All the while Offending the senses of various people in the public audience is fine.
As long as you don't offend the American Royalty, then by all means.

(Trying to use the Idea of patriotism against people. Sure you are a Patriot, but you are an American Patriot, which means protecting human, god given, natural rights.)

The Internet Bill of Rights seems like an attempt to take control of realty, or "land," in a future Virtual Reality and/or Alternate Reality that will exist on the internet. Individuals seem to be conquering land before the public becomes aware of its importance in the future of their lives.

This will be one of many attempts by companies, monopolies, multi-national corporations, and Oligarchic individuals to Stake claim on Territory that exists in the World Wide Web or whatever the Internet of the Future may be. In this process, these territories will likely have their own Social Justice Militias that will enforce the desired outcome.
Just another way for individuals to draw lines in the sand, and make rules for the local savages that live on "their land."
While the ignorant and nescient are lost in their Internet Ghettos Hogg-Washed, Hogg-Tied, Happy as a pig in shit, and all around living in Hogg Heaven happily enjoying their Social istMedia... unable to view over the walls of fans and trolls, Just outside of their curated safe spaces, there are Vast Armies gassing up the bombers. The Cold War Soldiers of the modern day fight in air conditioned lofts, their keys are encrypted.

So, does this "Bill of Rights" apply globally? Because the Internet is capable of Global use, and if the rules can not be applied to all equally, or if individuals can take advantage where others can not, this "Bill of Rights" is likely to stifle the progression of a core American belief, Freedom. This means Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Free Market, Free People, Free Knowledge, Freedom of Choice, and perhaps most importantly The Freedom to Prosper. The Freedom To Be Free Damn it.

How dare an individual in a direct position of corporate power claim to have the foresight to determine a Bill of Rights that dictates the Rules of the Internet? How dare they? When Massive Government Bureaucratic Hierarchies already have trouble upholding The Bill of Rights that they currently have, or in general, the rights of their citizens at large. How can small business' compete in The Free Market, or expect any large independent entrepreneurial success, when they realize that their business exists on what is essentially owned land.
When AT&T or Spectrum come for their cut, they're charging by the kilo-byte, so pay up or they'll cripple your business and destroy your Social Credit Score.
Do what's "Liked" or face the consequences of your territories Social Justice Militia.
Maybe die by suicide in the firing squad of social disapproval, it'll be better than living on the internet rations that are distributed in the AOL re-education camps.

We, the People, stubborn and exponentially lacking specialization in what was once advanced tech, should not begin to trust the natural rights of our children's children, to the Techno-Mancers of today. In the last 10 years, Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, Youtube, etc. have 100% and absolutely manipulated and brainwashed people into becoming devolved hysterical monkeys by controlling known psychological exploits that interact with brain chemistry in a way similar to drugs. The current population, over the past 10 years has become the equivalent to a drug addled sociopath that can't comprehend any life outside of their routines, rituals, and personal safe spaces.

Truth is, and always will be, that the will to do good is inside every individual, and so, unfortunately, we must all consistently attempt to do moral good, YES, Even on the internet. We all know that the Hedonism that exists in reality also exists on the internet, but is magnified, biggly. Before any individual suggests a Bill of Rights, the Internet may want to find a List of realistic Morals first.
For instance, save the racial baiting for the climax.
Don't just constantly indulge in the Manna, you must save the epithets so the taste remains sweet.
I will say it. Comment Box's, Un-Named Forums, Chat's everywhere...
Sometimes when y'all say Nigga, it tastes real sour.
We get it, you are edgy. This is your 9th account, and all you have to do is type "x" because you've named this account "CrackahJewNiggaSpicChinkAnusEdgeyEdgeTheEdgelordYourMomIsACumDumpster666" only the edgiest wear the 666 badge.
Your memes are garbage. I threw away those memes in 2002. You must have found that recycled shit meme in your home country. I believe it's known as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, aka Trash Island.

I have no problem with the loose Concept of an "internet bill of rights." I disagree with any Idea that suggests we should quickly draft some half assed "Bill of Rights" that actually restricts our rights more than frees us. This Bill of Rights would need to be PUBLIC FORUM, and would likely and HOPEFULLY would take AT LEAST Ten years.
Hopefully, it would take longer!
We are at the Precipice of a New Time that could exist on a Blockchain or in a File Sharing platform like BitChute. The possibility of VR and AR shopping, vacationing, entertainment, gaming, pretty much anything that exists on the internet today will have a counterpart in Alternate or Virtual Reality.

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