What If 60 Miles From The Statue Of Liberty You Could See It?

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


What if I told you that 30 miles from the Statue Of Liberty you should not even see the Statue Of Liberty cause of curvature? Yes according to the formula of curvature of the earth, you should not even see the Statue Of Liberty from 30 miles away.

So now twice that distance I read that some people report to see the Statue Of Liberty 60 miles away on a clear day. Well then, the next question is where is the curve?

It is a perfect argument for a flat earth. Now you maybe asking, David do you actually believe that the earth is flat? Actually, yes. Like I don't think NASA made it to the moon. Can you land on light? What? NASA landed on the lesser light?

Isn't that what the scriptures say? As it is written, And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16.

So here the moon is defined as the lesser light. Which is true as this light is cooler in its light than in its shade.

Now let's get back to NASA. So you think that the Apollo missions landed on light? No I don't think the moon light is a reflection of the sun cause this light acts differently than sun light.

What if they landed on a Hollywood studio? You know how Hollywood Always makes mistakes? Like the tire tracks from the lunar rover are missing. You see the foot prints of the astronauts, but where are the tire tracks? It was a Hollywood mistake.

Also ever look at the word "astronaut? It is kind of like a play on words "astro-NOT". Ok, it is just me. I am talking out loud again. All we have to do is ask ourselves, Has the governments of the world lied to us before?

If your answer is yes, then could they not have lied to us about the moon landings? That is if you think they could be landing on the lesser light, or did God lie? As it is written, yea, let God be true, but every man a liar. From Romans 3:4.

Didn't they tell us that the moon was a sphere and it spins? Yet, we only see one side of the moon, we never get to see the other side of it. Anybody see a problem with that?

So lets get back to seeing the Statue Of Liberty from 60 miles away on a clear day. Now I haven't talk to these people I only read about it somewhere. Maybe people in the area should test it out.

Now that I think about it, remember Abraham, and God told him, For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. Genesis 13:15

Now if Abraham was on a spherical earth he wouldn't have seen that far cause of curvature. But the scriptures support a flat earth with a firmament so Abraham could see for miles and miles and miles and miles.

Funny how they told you the truth in song, I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles from the song of the Who called, I Can See For Miles.

So if they can see for miles and miles and miles and miles then it looks as though they are singing of looking at things from the point of a flat earth or else by seeing things on a spherical earth your sight is limited to the curvature of the earth.

OK, this is me ranting at the curve. Maybe you can do a study of seeing things from more miles away bringing in more questions about our so called, spherical earth.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4

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Thank you, David.
Image is from pixabay.com.


Fantastic picture , sky stunning!

Hey David, thanks for the article. Very Interesting. The earth is flat and I think you proved it :D...

I followed and upvoted. Thanks again.

amazing photo they look so beautiful I love it

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