Conspiracy Reports: Blockchain & Government, "Would the FED allow bitcoin to skyrocket with the only intent to later try and confiscate users cryptocurrencies?!"💰💰🔫

in #conspiracy7 years ago

So the question is Would the FED allow bitcoin to skyrocket with the only intent to later try and confiscate users cryptocurrencies through centralized exchanges, wallets, and even raids on personal properties!

That is what this "article" is about that potential scenario and how I believe it is not crazy to believe it could not happen. Even with such advanced covert technologies it's happened in the past. There's no saying it can't happen again.
I would like to just begin by stating I am not a republican, nor a democrat. I did not vote for Trump, I am not a fan, but he is my president. I acknowledge that being born a civilian in the United States of America. That being said, I think he could be used as the face for some super evil shit. Look at all the presidents since kennedy and some before him. Straight wack puppets that give zero shits honestly about each of us citezens in the country and pretty much the entire world. I also believe Trump is not like Hitler. That is absolute rubbish and bs when people compare others to hitler. Even then Hitler was not the biggest murderer on the planet. Again, lol in such a sensative age I feel I have to state. I am no fan of Hitler. He is not someone I look to as any kind of icon or role model in any shape or form. So Trump would have to murder hella people for me to say. "oh yeah that guy, like hitler."

Back to the point of this whole read!!! Hitler literally funded his entire war and third reich movement on stolen gold from houses, and bodies of jewish people who he later sent to concentration camps. (we can debate all you want if you refuse to believe the hollocost even happen doesnt matter to me you are wrong. I can link you to some documents of jewish doctors who were forced to do experiments and work in concentration camps as their only means to survive and you can read what they wrote and tell me they are lieing.) Jews who managed to escape from Germany before the Holocaust had to leave part of their wealth behind in the form of an "exit tax". Tax laws discriminated against Jews from 1934 onwards.

(gold rings stolen by the Nazis in a concentration camp.)
Auctions were held in Hamburg from 1941 onwards of furniture looted from Jewish homes. Auctions were staged on every working day between February that year and April 1945, the profits being lodged with a Gestapo bank account which transferred the money to the Reichsbank in Berlin. The report also details the ransacking of 72,000 apartments in the eastern territories and shows how the taxman noted carefully down the wagons which brought the loot back to the Reich; 1,457 rail cars to Cologne, 1,023 to Rostock, 1,928 to Essen and 2,699 to Hamburg.

(original stencil on coffee bag canvas by your dude. @danielownsall "Uncle Trump - I want you to make America Great Again" done january of this year 2017)


## 0k so I am not saying there will be a racial war in America for your bitcoin$!

What I am saying is look at the war on drugs. Look at what Clinton did with the third strike law. You know how many young men he put being bars for life for marijuana possession? weed. marijuana, cannabis, the stuff that grows from the ground.
Then we have ourselves the war on terror. You know how much "security" was beefed up after 911 and all of a sudden "terrorist" was just a word we here every day on Sesame Street. Somebody robbed us that day. Robbed us of some of our simple freedoms that made America what it was. Suddenly walking through an airport feels like walking into a questioning room with a little green lite and a guy smoking a stogy asking where you were at of at the night of January 3, 2009.

(We're here for the satosh, show us where the satosh are hidden, Is the attic clear?!)

As crazy as it sounds. One day it truly might be "made" illegal. I know that wont stop people. Look at meth and heroin. That just brings me back to crypto. Obviously if they make it illegal it is in act of control and complete desperation of loosing it. So if they would make crypto illegal for their own good whats up with the drug laws also?

So there you go people steem like it's 1999 and watch out for those Nazis. If they did all die it surely would say that in our history books and hide your weed not from nazis but from straight stoners.

aye... It's a party where's the cake?


The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.

- Albert Einstein

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