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RE: Staged Mexico Earthquake and possible HUGE cataclysmic event to hit the US on 23 September 2018 or 2019

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Since you can say it, only because you do not see photographies, I live in the city of mexico, isn't destroyed city but if there are victims, a school collapsed and other buildings too south zone and there are people worried for extracting the survivors that for taking photos, there are people there caught, who cares photos at this moment


Seems to me this earthquake was very selective in choosing which buildings had to be brought down. And of course a school for maximum emotional impact. ...though schools are generally the most heavily regulated buildings in town.
All I see is people involved in a drill. Some of the footage reminds me of the White Helmets propaganda videos from Syria, but even more fake with people laughing while supposedly so many children were crushed? comon!
the truth is that there is a lot of people in your city that for 50$ (and possibly 200$ for the entire week of drills) are willing in taking part in such a fraud.

I cannot believe what you say, we do not trust in our government, this it is true but I'm in the city of mexico and I lived through it, probably believe this

The university is not a part of the government, is autonomous.

Thank you. You just proved my point. A Freemason and Jesuit Institute.
Double headed Eagle just as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry logo.
Morals_and_Dogma_eagle (2).jpg

The Freemasons are the ones who control all governments.
This is just a controlled demolition of a wing of the University they wish to regenerate and they must have asked students to take part and help in the drills. They might even get some taxpayers funds to rebuild the new facilities ;)

And we've seen unfortunately in many events how University students are the first ones to sell out for a few bucks (as seens with the BLM rented protest crowds by Soros)

The photography is not of the university is of ITESM CCM

Thats the only video I find when looking for "University earthquake Mexico".
The freemasonic logo is from that UNAM University you mentioned before, so that is correct.
The video is then from the ITESM, is there an earthquake video from the UNAM at all?

dude. The world is not the way you think. It's 100% compromised at all levels. Sorry, this is how it is. You don't have to like it, but you need to look into it, and you'll find it to be true.

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